Monday, May 19, 2014

I Had Forgotten....

... how good it feels to hold the hook in my hand.  It's been dare I say..weeks since I've hooked anything.  I've had this little design floating around in my crazy head for a few weeks too. 
At 5:30 a.m. this morning I woke up aching in every joint and bone of my body.  The weather app on my phone said a thunderstorm was approaching and we were in for an all day rain.  I suppose that explains the aches today.  

By 7:00 a.m. I had the design drawn on linen and some of the wool I knew I wanted to use at the ready.
Now who's to say... this could become a pattern I would sell.  It all depends on the final outcome. 
Some designs are like that.... they go from head to hand to heart. 

If you let them....

Cathy G


  1. Afternoon Cathy, feel bad for your aches and pains, I know what you mean. Love the sweet design, Happy Hooking, Francine.

  2. I haven't picked up a hook in awhile I hope to soon.
    It looks great so far.

  3. I love your patterns. Every single one of them. This is a cute one too. I picked up my hook last night for the first time in a long time. It felt so good. I could really understand what you were talking about.
    There is just something so wonderful with hooking and the wool. It makes me so calm. I always enjoy seeing what you have been doing.
    Have a great week Cathy. :)

  4. Your design looks beautiful. Funny how a rainy day can make a person want to design and hook so early in the morning...

    I'm looking forward to seeing your rug finished. I'm certain this design will be a hit also.

  5. Looks pretty wonderful to me! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  6. I'm loving what I see so far. Now hurry up and finish so we can order it. Lol

  7. Such a beautiful design !
    Strawberry season is soon here ;)

  8. It looks great! I hope the bad weather has moved on & your bones have returned to normal : )

  9. What size are you hooking this in. Love the colors.

  10. Cathy, I really like your new design...can't wait to see the finished rug!

    Hope your aches and pains go away soon!

  11. Sounds like the perfect day to stay in and hook! I think we have storms coming this afternoon... OLM

  12. that's awfully pretty, I love the colors.
    aches and pain are no fun, but they seem to run from house to house trying to visit all their neighbors. I wish the ones here would just go home, and stay there!


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