Thursday, March 20, 2014

They Came With Flowers!!

Today was a beautiful, busy day here in the studio!  My friends came  from Grantsburg, WI to spend the day hooking, chatting, snacking and sharing their latest projects!  AND they came with this HUGE beautiful bouquet of fresh Spring flowers!!  How they spoil me!  The day flew by as we color planned, hooked and admired the rugs they are working on!

Meet Sharon!  She is working on quite a few projects. The rug she's working on in this photo she's hooking in a nine cut!   I'll have to catch photos as she gets a little more hooked!  We color planned her next rug, a design by Sharon Smith, you can see a glimpse of the pattern cover in the lower left corner!  Sharon is so pretty!  Long beautiful hair!  She's a bit camera shy so I had to snap quite a few before I caught her looking up!  

Here is Cindy!  She's a hairdresser when she's not hooking rugs!  Oh and look at the footstool cover she just finished hooking!  She is working on a proddy edge for it so will have to try to get a photo of the finished piece!  She ran out of wool for the background a few times... we fixed her up with colors that blended quite well... but she's no stranger to reverse hooking! She has a lot of rugs and projects in the making too!  I think next month when we get together again the girls will bring more to show and tell!
Don't you love Cindy's hair?  She's such a cutie!   Makes me want to chop my long white mane off for summer.... hmmmm will have to think about that!  LOL!  

Will you take a look at this fabulous rug!!  It is a footstool cover being hooked by Elaine!  It is a camping scene that she had specifically drawn by a friend of hers.  It depicts a mountain, camper, river and all the elements of camping outings she enjoys with her family!  I LOVE that old rusty red pick-up truck!  Elaine is working on numerous projects too so hopefully we'll get photos to show the next time they come down for a visit!  
Elaine is a beautiful lady! She makes her scarves, hooks handbags for every sister and niece in her family!  I am hoping she wants to adopt me!!  LOL!!

Elaine hooking on her camping footstool cover rug.

I hope to post the official announcement about the Quilt Event Jill and I are planning to vend at here in Rice Lake.  It is coming up soon... April 12th to be exact!  Details to follow!  I guess I better quit having so much fun and get to work!!

Cathy G


  1. wow! what a great bunch of friends!!
    love the beautiful flowers and the terrific projects!!
    hope to see more when you get together again!

  2. Beautiful flowers, beautiful rugs and beautiful friends what an awesome way to welcome spring! I especially loved the camping rug, I will be looking for the finish .

  3. What a great group of talented ladies !
    Beautiful rugs.

  4. These are beautiful rugs! Nothing better than hooking the day away with friends! Love your sweet bunny from the previous post! Hope things are warming up for now that it is officially Spring!

  5. nothing like flowers to brighten the day ~ except when FRIENDS bring them along :)
    Looks like all enjoyed the day ~ wish we were closer!!!

  6. Morning, beautiful flowers, great friends!!!!Blessings Francine.

  7. All of the people and the projects are amazing! Thank you for sharing...

  8. Good morning,thanks for sharing the beautiful ladies and their gorgeous rugs.The flowers are beautiful and I am sure the memories made are even more so! Be blessed,Jen

  9. Hi Cathy,
    So happy you had such a wonderful day, filled with beautiful friends, beautiful rugs and those beautiful flowers!!!
    Enjoy your weekend!!
    Warm Hugs~

  10. What a great way to spend the day with such a wonderful group of friends!!! Beautiful flowers and projects!!!
    Happy Spring!
    Prim Blessings

  11. Thanks, Cathy, for sharing your group! Beautiful flowers...perfect day with good friends and hooked rugs!

    Hugs, Linda

  12. A lot of great color and talent in that group.

  13. Looks like a wonderful way to spend a day! OLM

  14. Wow! What a great bunch of hookers and rugs. The flowers are a perfect start to spring!



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