Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Color Purple

This time of year my thoughts often turn to the color purple.  Maybe it's because living in the frozen landscape of northern WI the first glimpse of it outdoors means Spring has truly sprung. Indoors, if truth be told, purple is scarce in this primitive lover's crayon box of decorating colors! Oh... if you look hard enough you will see bits here and there. But usually the more soft and muted shades of it.  Lavender if you will.  

The other day while searching for patterns online, this handbag really caught my eye! The shades of purple with the gold....  now I think I could handle that!  

So I pulled a few wools from the shelves and raced to my frame, grabbed my hook... and.... well... I'm still having trouble embracing this color purple.  

 I might try my hand at making some of these wool covered eggs.  The photo is from Olde Country Farm Simples on Ebay.  I love the colors she chose.  The purple is more like a light shade of the eggplant purple which I adore.

I'll leave you with this photo of a rug that my friend Lisa hooked using my "Flower Pot" pattern.  I happen to know she hates the color purple! You will never see a speck of it in her rugs or home!  LOL!  She also hates to bind her rugs.  So this one is not yet bound.  I did give it a steam press and have been admiring it here in the studio. The earthy primitive colors are gorgeous.  I guess you either love or hate the color purple.  I'm really on the fence about it.
What are your thoughts on purple... do you wear it, love it, hate it, decorate with it?  

Cathy G


  1. Cathy,
    The new color for 2014 is orchid! You are right in style. I have been thinking of adding some pillows in it to my dull living room. Love the purple barn!

  2. I am not fond of purple either, very soft shades of lavender are pretty.....if people ask me to paint something purple or even bright colors, I just can't do it ! It has to be toned down ! I Love your hooked basket with the flowers, that is really neat !

  3. After a looooooong snowy winter... I welcome ANY color with open arms!!! lol! I like purple flowers.... whether lavender sprigs in the house or vivid purples out in the flower garden... it's always gorgeous! However.... you will NOT see me wearing purple clothes or decorating my home with purple fabrics or paint... ick... well... maybe a pale orchid nail polish might look nice... with a tan.. ;-)

  4. Bring on the purple, nice Spring color....love those wool eggs, prim perfect.....Nice rug, Blessings Francine.

  5. I love to look at the color purple! Eggplant,my purple iris' all breath taking. I have a couple of shirts that are purple but I do not have any purple decorations in my home . I live in a house the shape of a barn,it is barn red and the inside is red also, so purple would surely be out of place! Lol heavens to Betsy has some beautiful purple wool that I plan to use in a background on a rug.

  6. I'll never forget my first class with the magnificent icon Barb Carroll. She was working with me with my first rug with her; she was perusing my wool and asked me what I thought about the color purple. So told her I didn't particularly care for it.

    Then she went on to say she considered it a 'neutral' and proceeded to pull out a SMALL piece of her wool for me to use in my rug. From that day on I've been a believer of purple in a rug. It doesn't have to be a BRIGHT in your face purple. The one she chose for my rug was more like a nice grey/purple.

    Now I have a very different opinion of purple.


  7. I am so NOT a pink or purple person. The funny (or really not so funny) part is that I have a HUGE bathroom and it is 1950's pink plastic tile. One of these days it will go...sigh. I have a couple eggplant colored sweaters, but a friend gave me her second hand sweater that is this very light purple color and every time I wear it I'm told the color is perfect on me. I don't hook with purple, either, but my one chicken rug has purple feet, hooked that color for Alice of Folk Art Primitives, and I must say they are fun!
    Here's to spring as we are awaiting tomorrow's storm. UGH!
    Hugs :)

  8. Hi Cathy, I enjoy the color purple in the flower garden...I have hooked with subtle shades of purple, but it is not a favorite color. I guess you could say I am not a pink or purple type of gal...Hope spring arrives in your neck of the woods soon. Sending greetings from Maine...

  9. I LOVE the color purple and all of it's shades.
    Wear it ?? eh, sometimes. But I adore seeing it used in textiles ;)
    The wool covered eggs are lovely !

  10. Now that I have grown out my hair to its natural mix of silvers and darks purples and pinks in all their magnificent shades look smashing as I am often told. Where before those hues never entered my wardrobe nor my home I am reconsidering them as well. Being new to rug hooking I am seeing that snippets of lots of colors thrown into the mix are just so much fun!

  11. Cathy, I love the color purple especially in the garden and I have a few pieces of clothing. I have a silk suit that is magenta and a dark purple sweater with yellow and green yarn. It was a gift and I love it.

    I'm hooking a few purple wool worms in my new rug as a matter of fact.

    We are bracing for another storm so I'll look at purple instead of white.

  12. I do not have any purple in my decorating or hooking. I do own a couple purple jackets

  13. love the bag, but I am not a purple person either. i have a nice blouse, I picked up new with tags at a church sale for $1.00, I love the style of it, but do not like the color at all!!! Everytime I wear it, the ladies at church tell me how good it looks on me, it's pale like the color of lilacs in the spring. I just close my eyes, smile, and thank them. I guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

  14. Cathy...I love the color purple,mostly when used together several muted shades..however it stands out in a primitive colonial style. I use it anyway LOL But none the less I use it for tulips/hydrangeas and lilacs to fill crocks but never have in a rug. I do have some yardage of beautiful medium purple awaiting a rug.


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