Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Capturing the Blues with a Smart Phone

You may recall a couple of posts back  I mentioned my camera was on it's way out.  Well, it finally died.  After a day or two of mourning the passing of my little Canon Power Shot, I knew it was time to make a decision as to which new gadget was going to replace it. 
 Talking with relatives and friends who can't function without their smart- phones and who keep telling me how great the cameras are on these new phones led me to think more seriously about replacing the little flip-phone that I affectionately call my dumb-phone with a new state of the art smart one.  

Yes, Mrs. Orange Sink has joined the modern world and is now the proud owner of one of these new fangled phones.
The hours I've spent the past couple of days playing with and trying to outsmart this little iPhone 5s are more than I care to admit!
But see for yourself the photos above that I took this morning.
 Well.... I'm impressed!  Are you?
I have much to learn before I feel comfortable with this new little smart guy accompanying me around the place.  Who knows, maybe it's not too late for this old gal to learn something new.
I never thought I'd see the day though that I'd feel intimidated by a phone.
I do take comfort however in this.....
 I feel fairly certain that no matter how smart this little computer phone thinks it is, it won't ever be able to hook a rug... at least not in my lifetime!!

Cathy G


  1. WAY TO GO!!! And, welcome to the 21st century!!!

  2. Very Impressed! love the blues......

  3. Yay! I'm glad I was able to put my 2 cents in, and I'm glad that the iPhone is working out for you!!!

  4. These are great pics! A lot more clear than I would think from a phone? The blue wool in the last pic is sooooo dreamy...

  5. Great pictures!! Love all of them! Have fun with your new fangled phone...I still have the 4, but I love it!

  6. Love your photos, Cathy, and I love my iPhone! I keep my calendar on it, I use the notes for my grocery list, I have my pedometer on it, a calculator, a flashlight . . . It is the handiest thing ever and fits in a pocket! Fabulous little machine. Sarah

  7. Wonderful pictures of the blues. And I purchased your paper pattern of the flowers with tongues at the bottom and still haven't hooked it. But seeing yours completed again may make me go find it.

    Congrats on your new technology.


  8. LOVE all the pretty Blues !!! My phone is so old....but it is easy to use.....I know I need to get up-dated one of these days....Enjoy !!!

  9. Yes, what a tragic day if I loose my Canon power shot. That is my lifeline to me. I love my camera. My husband uses his smart phone and he does have beautiful pictures. I still of course have my dumb phone. I have not yet made it. I think your photos are lovely and I love all of the blues you have captured.
    Every thing is really clear.

  10. Hi Cathy, Yep it's me! lol
    Oh my you did it didn't you...I still haven't but last week my husband became an owner of one! He has been like you...playing with it at every opportunity he gets and still hasn't figured it all out.
    Today in fact he was all excited about using the feature where you hold your phone up to something and it connects...he tried it with a free gas card he got and nope....that particular gas station didn't have it installed! lol The one time he goes to use it.
    I love all your Blue's - I have more than I think I do if I would start checking.
    Blessings and stay warm - we are getting snow as I type.

  11. The photos are fantastic, your new phone captured the colors perfectly. I'm really not a fan of blues, but these photos are making me rethink about using/buying more. Thanks for sharing with us.

  12. beautiful collection of blue's.....

  13. Those are great photos nice and crisp. Congratulations on being brave and stepping in the modern world. I'm still with the dinosaurs. I have a dumb phone. Since I have a big Canon Camera, it will be a long time before I get a smart phone.

    Enjoy your new toy.

  14. That bucket of hand dyed blues is calling my name !
    Gorgeous !!
    (I use my Iphone 5 for pictures a ot. It is amazing ;)


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