Saturday, February 22, 2014

Still Time to Sign Up for Beginning Rug Hooking Class!

Max whispered in Smokey's ear "Don't worry... Mom doesn't mean it when she says she wishes all this snow would melt tomorrow..... it's so fun playing in it and watching Dad shovel snow off the roof!" 

Truth be told little doggies.... Mom DID mean it.... and you two were just lucky we had to postpone your grooming appointment yesterday because of the blasted storm!

My beginning rug hooking class at the technical college was postponed as well.... next Thursday we will try again.. Feb. 27th at 6:00 pm.  The high temp for the day is supposed to be minus 4.  Oh we can handle that ladies and gentleman!  After all it's northern WI!  We are tough little doggies here!!

So if you live here ( and are still sane enough to want to try your hand at rug hooking, call the school 800-243-9482 ext. 5410 and sign up!  There's still time!  
Bring your scissors and wear your long johns!!

Cathy G


  1. Oh boy-oh boy-oh boy, I think Mommy is upset with all that snow and the problem it'[s causing her. You guys better lay low for a few days till this snow goes down.

    Maybe you can bring her some wool worms and a hook so she can pull hoops to calm her nerves.

    If it makes her feel better, you can tell her that we had 3 big snow storm in one week here in Fredericton, New Brunswick where I live.

    I hope that Spring is on the way.
    Sending BIG HUGS to your Mommy.


  2. Now that is A LOT of snow. Oh my!
    I'll be most generous and let you keep it and please don't send any more our way.
    I'm sure your class will be a great success. Lucky students to have you for a teacher.
    Happy hooking :)
    Warm woolly hugs,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops, I'll try to leave a comment and not remove it lol. Anyways, hold on Cathy! Spring will come. Your dogs are so cute in the deep paths. I keep busy with my hooking. It seems to help with all these snowy days. So think singing robins, sunshine and crickets & keep hooking! Enjoy Your Day. ~All My Best, Kimberly

  5. Cathy when I see all of your snow, I am just at a loss. I never know what to say as that is just so much snow. Your dogs are so cute and I can just imagine them saying that to each other.
    I wish I lived closer I would come in a heartbeat.
    Have a lovely day...a...well as much as you can. :)

  6. Cathy, like me, I'm sure you will be VERY HAPPY to see winter behind us. If it weren't for having to downsize and pack up I'd become a snowbird and move to Florida. Love all your hooking projects.


  7. Arghhh....I stop by for a visit once in a blue moon and what the heck?! I think I'm looking out my own backyard.... The only thing that brought me to my senses is that your roofs are much clearer than ours....ummm....hubby has not kept on top of it and now, with the snow chest high, we can't get to more than the first couple of feet. I pray it holds..... Enough already, eh....? Such a sweet photo of your pups.... And I love your new springy pattern..... I've been trying to pick up my hook again, but, duh....I picked up my son's Christmas stocking.... Maybe I should've chosen something less wintery. :o( Hope you've recovered from your Walmart run. Why is it we do that? Keep those stupid carts to prove we're not picky or WonderWoman or what??? Smiles & Stay Warm Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Cathy,
    Yep, that looks like our yard too. Brian snow blows dog paths for Zoe and she can't see over them anymore. I hope you have a good class. Max & Smokey are so cute! Hang in there. Spring will come.
    Hugs, Lori

  9. Yes we have that much snow too and then the rain came. Yikes! and then the roofs started to collapse in the area. your cold is coming our way this week. each day is getting colder.
    Good luck with your class.

  10. Even hardy Wisconsin doggies can get lost in snow banks like those.
    Stay on the paths, guys.
    I vote for Spring!

  11. Oh my! That is way too much snow! Snow makes so much more work (for us humans)... though the pups seem to be having lots of fun with it!

  12. Oh My Goodness!!! That is A LOT of SNOW!!!! Your sweet doggies are just too cute and remind me of our dog Shelby, a Springer Spaniel, that LOVED the white stuff!!! I hated when she had to do her visits outside because she thought it was time to play!!!
    How I wish I lived closer so I could be one of your lucky students!!! Tell that brave man of yours to please take care too!!!
    Sending LOTS of CA Sunshine your way~

  13. Holy S**T!! That is a LOT of snow!!! So ready for winter to be over.....bring on spring!!! However, seeing your pictures makes me glad to wake up to 24 degrees and NO SNOW today here!!

  14. boy all this snow is awful isnt it.... yuk yuk no wear to even put it. its going to be a messy spring. hopefully it will thaw, freeze, thaw, freeze so we have less over land flooding etc.. that husband of yours has been keeping busy out there this year! and your pups are adorable!!

  15. Also we had the winter! Too bad that is not on your side of the translator ...

  16. This makes our 8 inches in NC look pretty wimpy!! Love the basket lady and her baskets! Hoping for warmer days for you!


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