Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rather than whine and cry about it....

January quite contrary!  Five days left to go!  I won't miss you... not one bit!

 A few days ago while shopping at Walmart with my Mom I grabbed an obnoxious cart that had wheels that kept turning to the left.  A normal person with brains would have turned back and found a different cart that pushed straight. But we're not talking normal here.... it was another freezing cold day with actual below 0 temps. I was worried about my lettuce freezing on the way home. And I'm like a mad woman on a mission in Walmart!   Nothing  normal here at all... nupe!!  I pushed that dang cart through the whole store with my Mom's groceries as well as mine weighing the thing down! It was like wrestling with a Sumo wrestler!  I kept feeling this twinge of pain in my right hip. No worry I thought.. 

A couple of days later......

Let's just say Ibuprofen and my comfy hooking chair have been my best friends of late.
I feel like the "Karate Kart" got the best of me! 

Rather than "whine and cry"  about it I have resorted to hooking up a little something hopeful and possibly pattern worthy to take my mind off my misery. 
It's in the prototype stage... with wool as well as design.  I need to hobble out to the studio and rifle through my wools to see what else may work for the background with that little brown  wabbit.

I may grab a carrot to nibble on.... 

Seriously... I know we are all on the same page with this wacky winter that wants to drive us all insane..  but since I'm already there won't you join me? 

Repeat after me..

Winter Winter we don't care...
we have wooly underwear
that we can tug or 
make a rug

and have a mug 
of ....??

help me out here...
a mug of......

Cathy G.


  1. A mug of glug, maybe. Ha-ha!
    The cute little wabbit is hopeful reminder that there is a time when the carrots will be fresh and the bunnies will run in warm sunlight.
    We will all be in the loony bin by the time Spring comes if it doesn't soon quit snowing and warm up. Sorry to hear that you were injured in the battle with the grocery cart. But it is a good reason to snuggle down in the hooking chair and have some creative fun.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I need to push myself to do something and quit whining. Your weather is much worse than ours.
    The trip to Florida could be fun.

  2. Well, either 'root beer' or just plain 'beer' would sorta rhyme with 'underwear'. Frankly I don't care for beer but wine, juice and soda don't rhyme.


  3. Even if it doesn't rhyme, I vote for wine :) (Geez. That almost rhymes.)
    Hope your hip feels better soon.
    Sweet design.
    Hugs :)

    Bring on February!
    Love your rug and hope your sore hip heals.

  5. How about Ginger Beer. Vodka and Ginger beer in a copper mug. It's not a warm drink, but will warm up your insides.

  6. Oh Cathy, again that looks like a very nice design. You are a great designer.... and how about a mug of chugalug to finish your rhyme. That implies drinking the content of a container of beer without stopping, hahaha. You can always drink wine after. You'll need a lot to keep warm...

    I'm wearing two pairs of long john to keep warm but I think that I need something stronger in my mug to keep warm.
    I'm sorry about your hip hurting so bad. Maybe you'll hook up a storm while you're sitting down.
    The cold seems to make my arthritis worst. It's such a damp cold I find.

    That bunny rug is a winner. He'll bring on Spring.


  7. and have a mug
    or maybe a jug
    of something to keep you fair.

  8. Oh ya, get it over with already, bring February on..... Love the rug, such a cute bunny, Francine.

  9. I love the bunny Cathy! I think a Sunday hook fest is in order, I know I could sure use some fun conversation, laughs and hooking therapy. Bu-Bye January.

  10. You are so silly!!! Actually I am in my glory. I love winter, cold as can be and snow, snow and more snow!! I know, I'm about the only one but I just really love this winter season. It's cozy in the house, candles burning, rug hooking, and just being calm. I love it. Sorry about your pain, that's no fun. Loving the bunny!!! xoxoxox

  11. I always get one of those stupid carts (and I am too dumb to trade it). I consider it counts the same as actually going to the gym. Lol. Hope your hip is better. A little red wine will lubricate those joints :).
    Hurry up with the new pattern. I've got my finger on the paypal button.

  12. oh I like that pattern I would say a mug of baileys would do the trick yummmmm

  13. slug a jug!

    hope you feel better soon.
    I hate wrestling with a metal monster,
    they seem to always win.
    case in point the one I had once that hit a tiny little, little hole no
    bigger than anything. that thing tilted frontways as it was falling over, in the parking lot, in the middle of traffic, and threw up everything that had just gotten bagged in the market, and inserted into it's open apex.. broken, smashed, flattened, you name it, we ate it for a month.

    My enemy rolled out to play,
    he slayed me that, day,
    when he tried to run away,
    he made me to pay.
    I still hate him to this day!
    It does no good to replay,
    he just lets his brothers get me anyway.
    Goliath had a bunch of brothers, they all still roll over for each other.

    not as good as yours, but it's after 1:00am and I have to get up before 5am. my brain is fried

  14. Slug a jug! Annie's got it! :-)
    Your wabbit looks lovely! So sorry you have a hip pain... be careful walking back and forth to the studio too please....

  15. Sorry to hear you are hurting rest up...and happy hooking's beautiful...stay warm hugs lil raggedy Angie

  16. I am so sorry you hurt yourself with that basket. I could so see that in my mind.
    Your lettuce would freeze? That is just so cold.
    I tried to come up with a rhyme All I could come up with was rum.
    Sorry. :)

  17. A mug of anything, I don't care
    cause I'm gonna Chug, Chug, Chug !
    Hope you feel Better
    P.S. I HIGHLY recommend electric blankets. (Up here in N.Y). Best part about them .... is you put your bra in underneath the blanket in the morning OMG It makes for a much better start to the day:)
    Erica ( HTB )

  18. Cathy,

    I try real hard to embrace each season...BUT I SAY UNCLE!!! Enough is enough! I have fallen on the darn ice, yup so done!! Stay Warm! OLM

  19. I hope you feel better.I am bummed were in a drought in California.So I would love to have a little bit of snow.I love your bunny it looks great! Hugs cheri

  20. First of all, LOVE the little rabbit rug! Darling! The weather is pretty tolerable here today, but let me whine a bit.... I've just loathed this winter! There, that's done.....whew!

  21. I didn't get a bad cart but I did go down the wrong row in Sam's parking lot, had to retrace my steps to the top and go down next one...all because of the snow mountain between each row! My stomach muscles got quite a workout pulling that cart! Hope you are feeling better.

  22. yep! i agree with acorn hollow.... a glug of bailys would do the trick! hope your feelin better, we always have to pay the next day dont we? swinging all this snow has really done a number on me this year...


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