Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thankful For.....

.... the many good friends I've made through my journey as a blogger!  I cannot imagine my life now without the connections we've made and the daily pleasure of reading your posts and keeping up with what everyone is doing and the happenings in your lives!
When I opened my "snail mail" box yesterday I could hardly contain my excitement as the package had arrived that I was expecting from one of my good blogging friends Lauren of RUGS and PUGS blog!  She had one of her many generous give-aways a few days ago and the stars and moon and sun must have all been  lined up perfectly as I was the lucky winner!  
YaY!!!  One of her gorgeous wide strip ( I believe they may be hand-torn ?  Lauren.... or do you have a cutter blade that wide?   OH my Goodness it is so plush and beautiful!  A few of the girls were over Sat. when I took it out of the package and eyes and fingers were eagerly checking it out!!!

The back was of great interest to everyone!  What a wonderful way to finish the back of these wonderful pumpkin mats!  It is like a patchwork quilt!  I love flipping the rug over and finding something wonderful on the back as well!

Thank-you so much Lauren!  You are a very generous soul and having one of your hand-made lovely rugs to admire and touch each day and your friendship is indeed a reason for thankfulness!
It brings you closer and even though our lives take place hundreds of miles apart we share the bond of hooking rugs and the crazy wool addiction that only a sister hooker can understand!!
Big hugs to you Lauren!

Here is a photo of our Christmas tree out in the studio in the process of being decorated.  It has all handmade wool ornaments made by Jill and myself and is looking quite lovely!  The tree is fake however!  I found it at my neighbor's moving sale this summer for $5.00!  It is perfect for these larger ornaments don't you think?  

I had a string of those LED lights on it originally and for some reason those type of lights don't seem to sparkle enough for my liking.... anyone else experience that with LED?  I know they are supposed to be energy efficient and all that but if they don't twinkle then what's the use?  I'm thankful you can still find the Non LED for now.

( I'm still holding out and not playing the Christmas music yet.... don't know what my problem is this year... 
maybe the twinkling lights will help!!
Cathy G


  1. Lucky you. Lauren is so generous and makes the most beautiful things. No Christmas music yet Cathy?? I've been playing it in my car for days now :)

  2. that's a wonderful gift, she did a fabulous job on it.
    I love the tree!

  3. Oh Cathy, you lucky girl!!!!!!!!!! The colors in Lauren's pumpkin are delicious to say the least. And what is even better it is hooked and given from a wonderful on-line friend, what could be any better than that?


  4. congrats on your win. she does such a nice job! Love your tree I have not done one thing so I guess it will be the weekend after thanksgiving.

  5. I have one of Lauren's pumpkins too, aren't they wonderful!! Her talents know no end. Your Christmas tree looks great, I can't believe it is that time of year already!

  6. WHOOHOOO!!! Cathy! I completely missed Lauren having a giveaway! Love that pumpkins congrats my friend!
    Love your tree too! I am not decorating yet... waiting for turkey day first! OLM

  7. Oh you lucky girl!!!! what a wonderful pumpkin mat from Lauren.........The tree is so beautiful, I want one now, :) Francine.

  8. Congratulations Cathy, I'm so glad that you were the lucky winner of Lauren's beautiful pumpkin. I just love how she finished the back.
    I was a lucky winner of one of her primitive cat kit a while back and I was over the moon.

    Your little tree looks very festive.


  9. Geez, Cathy ~
    You are making me blush. Thank you so much for all your kind sentiments. I'm sure the little pumpkin has a very good home :) And yes, it is hooked with hand torn strips.
    I don't care for the LED lights, either. I think they look "cold". The tree looks wonderful.
    Hugs :)

  10. prim pumpkins and trees are wonderful things to be thankful for....... lucky girl

  11. Lucky you ! Great plump pumpkin !
    Your wooly good tree is so festive. ;)

  12. Nice pumpkin with a wonderful backing finish! I, too, am not a fan of the LED lights...just "not right"...I will stick to the old fashioned ones along with you!!


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