Friday, February 1, 2013

Searching For My Positive Attitude ......

I don't know about you but come February I always find myself struggling to get through the days and maintain some sort of hope and positive attitude.
We live in a part of the country where waking to 15 degrees   below zero each morning gets mighty old after a few days.
In fact it's pretty common to open my kitchen window shade each morning and see this.....
Uhhh huh!!  That is ice on the INSIDE of the window!   I kid you not!  Granted, our windows need replacing pretty badly... but c'mon... who needs this when you see other people showing on their blogs taking walks outside on a balmy Spring day in February!
Really though.... it makes one even more grateful for sights like this one most every afternoon....

Dave carrying in another load of firewood for our wood stove.  The picture is sort of blurry as I could barely get him to stand still long enough to snap a photo!  It's important work and he likes the workout he gets going up and down our basement stairs with chunks of wood for weights!  Crazy man!
But it is one thing for which to be grateful.   It keeps the gas bill to a minimum and there's nothing like a warm wood fire going in the evenings to keep the ice on the OUTSIDE of the windows thank-you!

Each year Dave likes to make a calendar with some of his wildlife photography and gives one to a couple of his friends ( his Mom gets one too) and me!  I have it in my studio and enjoy flipping to the next months photo when the first arrives.  Except for today...LOL!  More ice!  Don't get me wrong... I LOVE this photo he took of the otters playing in a frozen pond... but I didn't need to see more dang ICE this morning!

Even though I'm keeping extremely busy this year with all things related to the wool business, preparing for upcoming classes, dreaming up new projects etc. it's still hard sometimes to try and keep a positive outlook!  It helps to  take each days little accomplishments and relish each one.  Like the project above.... finally... after 3 or 4 attempts I think I finally have a project for the class that I'm satisfied with!  
It's a little sneak peek...
I'll share more as soon as I can.... got to go chisel some ice off the window.... if I'm lucky there might be enough to make a snow cone!!
( how's that for positive thinking... :-))  

Cathy G


  1. Cathy,
    It's really cold here too. Have to carry Zoe out to do her business and when she's done grab her quick and run for the house! Her little tootsies get so cold. I love your cheerful header. I'm one of those people who doesn't mind winter. As long as I'm snug and warm in our house making things I'm happy! Hugs, Lori

  2. Hi, oh ya, throw another log on the fire....sooo cold here to...yikes......keep warm, Francine

  3. Dang cold...isn't it?!? At least the sun is shining...and I'm firing up the dyepots to add a bit of humidity to the air today. I'm with you...sub-zero high temps get old really quick!
    The forecast for tomorrow is a high of 13...heat wave?

  4. Our ice maker just stopped working yesterday.
    Maybe you could share some of your ice !
    Just kidding. ;)

  5. oh cathy.....i feel for ya girl.....i am one who hate the snow and the cold hates me....i just couldn't take it anymore....and now winter in florida.....but i do like our positive thinking...i had to laugh at the snowcone .....hang in there....spring is on its way...

  6. Hi Cathy, January found me a bit on the depressed side but I've bounced back and I know that February will go a bit faster with 3 less days plus I'll be going to my daughter in ottawa.
    For one thing it's Groundhog Day tomorrow and the the groundhog will see his shadow here because it supposed to be sunny with cloudy periods.That means 6 more weeks of winter. Dang...

    A positive thought about that icy window. I love to look at those beautiful JackFrost patterns on the windows. Never two alike.

    I made a quick batch of yummy muffin just to warm the kitchen when I got home from the farm and I ate not one but two...

    There you go teasing us again. I guess we have to wait... again...
    Have a lovely weekend.


  7. Too cold down here in se. wisconsin too - but no ice on the windows inside.
    Having your wood stove burning sounds so warm and cozy - my brother heated his house with it as does my niece...really nice warm heat. And yes, it keeps the bills lower.


  8. Hi Cathy, You sound like me I have been stuck in neutral. It's been so cold lately and I am in California but it's hard to get going on projects.I am recharging myself and getting busy.Hugs From California

  9. Lol. My bathroom window does that too. Every winter I say I'm going to replace it in the spring but then... You know, once it warms up, we forget or we buy more wool instead ;)

  10. Hi Cathy, It is cold here in Maine too. Mr. Dog Trot just finished filling the wood box. I take winter one day at a time, I must say caring for a grandbaby three days a week makes the time fly!! Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful rug designs, you are a great source of inspiration. Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  11. we too are very cold after a shock of warm weather for about 10 hours.
    I have been trying to keep us busy we try to go or do something on the weekends. tonight we went to a dance we haven't been to a dance in years for 12.00 which included a great band and soft drinks we had a blast.
    thank heavens for our woodstove no pellet stove for us.

  12. It is indeed the little things which make a soul thankful. I dare say, your landscape is quite breathtaking! Truth be told, I miss Wisconsin winters...tho' frigid, the sun (almost) always smiled down.
    I LOVE your beautiful sneak peek, and shall look forward to seeing the grand finish!
    Wishing you a cozy winter weekend!

  13. Okay Cathy, don't read my blog today. :) It is about spring. :) I am just blown away that the ice is on the inside. I just have no comprehension of that kind of cold. Though I admit I would like to try it sometime.
    I do think it is so beautiful. My son left for a winter retreat in the mountains yesterday and one of the guys was wearing shorts. I guess I am sort of a wimp. :)
    But of course all I can think of is look at all of the hooking I could get done. :)
    Well hang in there and if it gets really cold, come out here and I will share sunshine, and we can hook and you can teach me every thing. :)
    Maybe it will warm up.

  14. wow, that sure is COLD!! after living in rainy grey Hamburg (germany) for 10 years i can really relate to winter moods and i know how hard it is to get out of it! you are in fact lucky to be surrounded by your colorful woolens to brighten at least the inside of your house --- aaaand you need a hug, so i am sending you a great big one!!!!!! and i sometimes feel that my internet friends can really cheer me up and they do brighten my day - you certainly always do! more big hugs for you my friend, take care - Dag

  15. oh i know cathy! enough of this white stuff! and cold stuff! is just started snowing here now so we will see how much snow we get from this storm..i think we are on the edge of it. i have my lil electric stove on and am taking the day to catch up... enjoy your day and stay warm!

  16. Your room has a very nice view. You are lucky enough to have a good look at the outside everyday. :) However, time and nature will take its course and the possibility of your window frame getting soggy and rotten will come. It is good to have it replaced as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your home. Keep us posted about the beautiful scenes you experience!

    Sandra Ludwig


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