Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Newspaper Man

The shovel sits by the garage door awaiting the newspaper man's arrival.  He usually shovels the driveway during his quick break home for lunch.  His task won't be quite as grueling today as the big snow storm is pounding the more southern and central part of Wisconsin.  We'll get enough to shovel perhaps a few times before the day is over. 

As most of my readers know dear hubby .. is the Sports and Outdoor Editor of our weekly newspaper called the Chronotype.  This weekend will mark thirty seven years that Dave has cranked out a seven to nine page section of the paper weekly and now by himself.  He had an assistant who recently took a job at another newspaper. Times being what they are the publishers decided not to hire a new person.

The back page of the Sports section is devoted to things pertaining to the outdoors with many of his nature photos gracing that page week after week. It's quite like an almanac with things like the Fishing-Hunting Table with Solunar Times and Lunar Times. 
Each week enclosed in a black box with white print there appears a few paragraphs entitled simply "Journal".... my favorite part of the entire paper.
Thoughts and keen observation of often over looked and taken for granted things in nature are noted in this journal.
The author.... has never signed his name to this mysterious journal.
Many over the years have come to know who pens it though  ..... an unmistakable style, with reverence for earth and the seasons of change identify the newspaper man as the writer.    
Here's this weeks journal:

Cathy G


  1. Wonderful journal entry. I hope that you share them with us more in the future. I enjoyed reading that today.

  2. That is so beautiful, it reads like an old almanac that you just sit and savor fifty years after it was written, a very real treasure. Indeed!

  3. Your newspaper man sure has a way to write that is so soothing. Thanks for sharing this with us. Congratulations to your husband on his 37 years
    year milestone. That is quite an accomplishment. I really enjoyed reading his nature journal.

    Merry Christmas to you both and the fur babies.

  4. Oops, I don't know what happened It's quite a milestone anyway. lol...


  5. What a great read! Lovely. How wonderful, to be have the talent, to paint us such a wondrous picture...with words. More please.
    Merry Christmas to you both!

  6. Congratulations, Dave!!!
    Thirty-seven years, you must have been a kid when you started writing!
    Love both the writing and the photography.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Hi Cathy, what a most enjoyable post, thank you. Dave has such a talent,both writing and photography. You two love birds compliment each other quite nicely! Let me just say everytime I see that wonderful white wool hooked tree of your's it makes me want to make one more and more. Merry Christmas to you, greetings from Maine, Julie.

  8. He writes like that and you make him shovel the walk?!? Thanks or the treat. Looks like you will have a white Christmas! Sarah

  9. Beautifully written, Mrs. Orange Sink ~ beautifully written.

  10. I to like the journal entry. Yes please do share them more in the future.
    Happy Holidays!
    Prim Blessings

  11. That's one awesome man you married, Cathy! Sending you all best wishes for this season...XXXX

  12. Love the journal have quite the keeper there and he also shovels the walk! Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas!

  13. beautiful.........Merry Christmas.......

  14. WOW! Cathy, you have a white Christmas!!! We only got a dusting out of it... Merry Christmas! OLM


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