Friday, November 9, 2012

Studio Tour and Open House Sneak Peak!

Studio Tour and Open House
Saturday November 17th
Red House Wool Studio~Rice Lake, WI
9:30 to 5:30

The countdown is on!  One week from tomorrow we will be showing our stuff!
These are a couple of photos I took today but please be assured this is only a sneaky little peak!  I can't give my local friends the entire tour as we want them to come and be surprised!
It's beginning to look a little like all the Holidays around here mixed with a LOT of wool! 

Ohhhhh...... so much more to do!
Lisa is bringing her rugs for me to photograph and I'll be hanging them in the studio as well.  So I'll share them as soon as I can.
I am excited and getting a little nervous.  Our ad came out today in the local weekend paper called the Early Bird.  Then it will be in next week's Chronotype our weekly paper as well.  If nothing else maybe we will get some visitors who are curious as to what all the hookers in town are up to!  LOL!
More to come.......

Cathy G


  1. Everything looks very the way the natural light from the window shows off all your gorgeous wool. Best of luck, it looks as if it will be a very special day!

  2. Morning, looks good already......warm and inviting......Blessings Francine.

  3. It's going to be wonderful Cathy! Oh how I wish I could come. We have to go to Marshfield on Sunday for tests on Monday so no way I can scoot over. Can't wait to see pictures. Wishing you all the best and lots of folks coming out after all your hard work. Hugs, Lori

  4. I can hear your excitement through your written words! The preview is beautiful! Enjoy! I'll hook all day next weekend and dream I am visiting your studio! ;-)

  5. Please be sure to share EVERYTHING with those of us who cannot come! Your sneaky peak looks wonderful.
    Pug hugs :)

  6. Oh my my my... Your sneaky peak looks so promising, warm and inviting. I'm sure that you will have a great turn out at you studio. I so wish that I could come for a visit. You are so good with decorating and creative and you always work so hard in your studio. It will be a success....
    Good luck and have a great weekend.

  7. Your studio shop looks so warm and cozy...wish I could come to your open house...Have a great Day! Cheers, Susan

  8. Sure wish I lived closer as I'd be checking out all your goodies. It looks very festive with your decorations and lots of yummy wool to drool over. Good luck with sales!


  9. Cathy, I just know you are going to have a wonderful open house! how I wish I could attend...Beautiful wool...beautiful studio...Looking forward to future photos, greetings from Maine, Julie.

  10. it already looks great, i wish i could come to visit! i am sure everyone will love your beautiful creations, enjoy your guests!!

  11. I love it all!!
    your wools are fabulous, I just bought my first rug hook, but have yet to try hooking.
    Cant wait to see more from your open house.

  12. Oh how I wish I could go!!! I do have a question. I need to hook snow do you have any snow spot dye you would be willing to sell?

  13. It all looks so warm and inviting. I just wish I could be there!!! I know you'll have a great time and lots of success...who could resist?

  14. i want to come!!! enjoy your evening, it all looks wonderful!!

  15. Wish, wish, wish I could come to your Open House Cathy! Also, LOVE your banner!



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