Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Burning the Midnight Oil/Electricity

First and foremost I need to THANK-YOU dear blogging friends for all your wonderful praises and comments on our Open House!   You are such loving and positive ladies and how I wish you all could have been here..... but it sounds like I would have had to double our supply of wool before you came !! LOL!

I will try and keep you updated on our progress here and I welcome all of your thoughts, praise, and cheering on what you think of it all!!  That's what makes blogging so much fun to hear your "voices" from this community that spans miles and miles!  Thank goodness for electricity which makes that all possible!

We have gained a much greater appreciation for that energy flowing so abundantly around us after watching our comrades on the east coast endure life without it for so long.  Have you watched the show on T.V. called Revolution? It depicts a sitcom writer's views of what life would perhaps become were the grid suddenly to become only a memory!  Heaven forbid..... I've only seen bits and pieces of the show and that was enough for me!  Too depressing!

Last night I burned my share of electricity by staying up waaaaaay past the hour when most decent people are sleeping!   It's something I do on occasion as you know if you've followed my blog from it's early days.  The one thing that can keep me up til the wee hours is starting a new rug!

   The pattern is called French Urn by Maggie Bonanomi.  It can be found in the Need'l Love French Market Book.  When I first saw the pattern I thought the urn would be fun to do in blue!  The blue I'm using is the same one I dyed for my "America" rug that I designed.  As I progress I will show you the line-up of wools and a photo.

As most people this week are preparing for Thanksgiving and thinking of getting decorations for Christmas put up..... I'm hoping I can take a little break from preparing much of anything except running some wool through the cutter!  LOL!!  I've done enough preparing this past couple of months to last through the end of the year and then some!

 My Mom is invited to my brother's for Thanksgiving so I think I'm off the hook for cooking anything big.  Dave likes to hunt that day and that's fine by me.  I think I'll throw some bar-b-que ribs in the oven and let them cook all day while I hook all day!!   We'll have mashed potatoes and butter!  Maybe some green beens and a salad.
Let me wish you all the most blessed Thanksgiving.  I have blessings so many that  I need a few days to sit and really   contemplate each one!  As my hook softly guides the wool through the linen my mind is at peace. My heart is satisfied and grateful. No better Thanksgiving than that!
                                                                         Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy, I'm so glad that you can take a day to yourself after all this hard work. Your new rug is going to be spectacular like everything you touch.

    A grateful heart is a happy heart.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Cathy,

    WOW! That is a lot of progress in one night... it's like a good book, just can't put it down... Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Just hubby and boys, and I... Alex hunting in the AM.. in the evening I think we will put up our tree. OLM

  3. I have that pattern and I have stared at it and I keep telling myself someday...It is so nice to see that you are working on it. IT will be just beautiful.
    Have a lovely day.

  4. Lovely new rig, Cathy. Have a happy Thanksgiving hooking away! Sarah

  5. What a heartwarming post!
    That's a wonderful start to your rug. Keep us posted on you progress...please???
    Enjoy you quiet Thanksgiving. I am a little envious since I probably won't have a minute to pick up the hook until next week.
    Pug hugs :)

  6. I love the blue urn! Your Thanksgiving meal sounds perfect....enjoy!

  7. Evening, loving the rug so far......Wishing you and yours a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving, Hugs Francine.

  8. Cathy, the rug looks great....i wish i could be there all day Thursday hooking with you! Kathy

  9. Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving to me! We are even being different here and just relaxing with hobbies, watching football and having a fish feast (instead of a labor intensive turkey). I may even pull Mr. Chill out and hook on him some this weekend! :-) Ribs, mashed taters and butter are a favorite of mine! Enjoy your days of relaxing... :-)

  10. Cathy, like you, sitting and pulling loops thru linen makes my heart happy. Love the colors in your Urn rug. I have many of those booklets and now seeing your new rug makes me want to pull them all out and draw out a pattern.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Love the colors in your rug.. and am looking forward to seeing your pics of progress on it along with pic's of the wool you are using.

    Glad to hear your Thanksgiving day will be filled with peace and contentment.

  12. Hi Cathy,
    What a lovely post! I love your newest rug too and know it will be fabulous when finished!
    Thank you for your visit and kind words....so appreciated, my friend! Wish I lived closer too!
    Enjoy your time hooking, comtemplating, dreaming and just enjoying....sounds perfect!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Warm Hugs~~

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, Cathy! I also thank you for your kind words....they made me smile! Sounds as if you have the perfect day planned. We love a low key holiday here...just the three of us. MrMW runs a Turkey Trot in the a.m., Annie "decorates" the table, and I do a little cooking and a lot of hooking while watching football. In the afternoon we take a ride and pick Pepper Berries to add to our Christmas decor...a perfect day!
    Your rug is looking gorgeous...such a pretty pattern!
    Wishing you and yours a perfect day,

  14. Thank you for sharing the blue recipe, I love the color and happen to have some oatmeal wool. can't wait to start cooking.

  15. do you know who designed the reindeer rug in the picture?


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