Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Getting Ready

The wool has been flying here in my little studio!  I'm  finishing up and starting some new projects for  the Primitive Handmades Mercantile update  which is only about ten days away!   Halloween, pumpkins, and Fall is our theme this month!  As we transition from ninety degree days to the crisper Fall evenings I've found it necessary to dig out a few quilts and homespuns for the bed. 

I like to keep them folded with the backs facing out showing the old homespuns and calicoes. My decorating has taken a more sparse and simple look this fall.  My goal is to extend that mode of thinking throughout the entire house.   I may have to part with a few things to accomplish that though.

Thank-you so much for all of your great comments on our class reunion photo in my last post!  Indeed I think we all looked pretty darn good for pushing sixty!  In our class of 116 students 14 are no longer with us. It's hard to believe that so many are gone.  Makes it even more meaningful when we get together and I think everyone appreciates each other more so.  Rest in Peace my fellow classmates..... you shall never be forgotten. 

Cathy G


  1. Hello, oh what a prim cozy bedroom, I could curl up in it and stay there all day. Love the pumpkin faces, so cute, and the little candle, that picture warms my soul. Blessings Francine.

  2. Your bedroom looks very soothing! I am always needing to "cull" things out...seems I do this in phases....I need to get in one of those phases again. Glad you enjoyed your reunion, it's always fun to see those that we spent so much time in school with.

  3. How tranquil is that bedroom..wonderful!...so sorry for the loss of your classmates. Looking forward to the PHM update..take care~ blessings,Ronda

  4. Restful, peaceful, serene, those are the words that come to mind upon viewing your bedroom photo. Lovely quilts and I love the smiling pumpkin pillow. I too am attempting to de-stuff, in other words simplify. Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  5. You house looks so peaceful and calm. I really enjoyed seeing your photo of your class. Yep, you all look pretty young.
    I am thinking the same thing. You know the less is more thing.
    I can't wait to see your offerings this month.

  6. I love your warm primitive bedroom. The colors are so warm and cosy I just would like to crawl in ther. i love the brown color. It soothes the soul. Your bedroom looks like it comes from a Prim Magazine. Your pumpkins for the Mercantile sale are lovely and cheerful. That smile on the pumpkin is special. Lovely colors.

    Yes it's sad about those class mate who are have passed on, a great reminder to enjoy life while you still can. Time is going too fast don't you think?
    Hugs, Hugs. JB

  7. I love your pumpkins. I am trying to keep things simple too.

  8. glad you had fun at your reunion cathy, its a great picture of classmates! i love the more simple look too but gosh.. its hard to keep it that way. love your picture heading and all that wool! enjoy your day cathy!

  9. hi, Cathy ~love your room~ very cozy & warm~
    and your rugs are gorgeous~ love the pumpkins~

  10. Cathy,
    Thanks for sharing your bedroom photos. Moving back into a real house with much more room is making me come up with new arrangements for each room as I have evolved from the days of living out on the farm. Love the worn and cozy feeling of your room. Might just have to steal a few ideas.


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