Friday, September 28, 2012

An Overnight Bayfield, Wisconsin!

It was a whirlwind trip to Bayfield, WI on the shore of beautiful Lake Superior.  A quick overnighter for Dave and I and of course the two pooches.  The weather was spectacular and the leaves even more spectacular!  
We found a garage sale out in the country and parked the car to walk down their drive-way.

We passed a pile of logs and this stand of white birch trees reaching towards the autumn blue sky.

Then, right at the end of their drive, almost covered by a tangle of brush I spotted this little pyramid of stones on a tree stump. Balanced so artistically, the stones are typical of what you'd see along the shores of the lake worn smooth by water lapping over them for countless years.
I didn't place that red leaf there.... I swear to you on a stack of rocks!  That is just the way everything looked so perfectly posed in nature.  I am so glad I took this photo. 
It speaks to me of the magic and the people of this beautiful area in Northern WI.  There is an energy here.  You see and feel it everywhere you look..... and in places you might not think to look.
Most of the  rest of the day was spent lounging at the Seagull Motel and taking the dogs for walks along the  bike trails next to the lake.  

We ended the day on the little deck outside our motel room  watching the sunset and drinking "Fat Squirrel Ale" brewed in New Glarus, WI

Oh...... and the icing on the cake...... Dave spotted a beautiful 100% wool brown tweed with little red flecks in it Pendleton SKIRT at that garage sale.   He noticed it in a box of clothing that was ...... are you ready?......... 10 cents each!  
I love autumn!

Cathy G



  1. Cathy, your photography is just spectacular. You're right about the place being magic. The leaves are in full splendour. What a nice trip. The wool find is also out of this world.
    I'm glad that you shared your wonderful experience with us. I hope that this little trip has renewed your store of creativity.
    Have great weekend.

    Hugs. JB

  2. These are some gorgeous photos! I can almost smell the fresh air! :-)

  3. What a fun getaway. Autumn is my favorite season, and seeing your photographs is truly eye candy. Great score on the skirt! Glad you had such a good time. You live in a beautiful place, good that you get out and enjoy it. XXX

  4. Hello Cathy, oh loved the scenery, how beautiful. Nice little trip, always a joy to take a get-a-way this time of year. Great buy, 10 cents, wow!!!Blessings Francine.

  5. There is lots to be said for being spontanous! Beautiful pictures that you took and thanks for sharing Cathy.
    Enjoy your weekend

  6. Beautiful pics. Sometimes those short little overnight trips are more recharging than a big fancy vacation. The stones on the stump - perfect.

  7. Love those rocks and that surely was the icing on the cake for you to walk away with some tweed for only 10 cents. Woohoo for you!! Take care, Janice

  8. What's not to love?! I love autumn and every one of your pictures captures the beauty of it perfectly! Love the stacked and balanced stones...

  9. At times all it takes is a day away with one's sweetie to recharge the battery. Beautiful photos Cathy, Autumn certainly has found you. Your husband has a keen eye, a 10 cent wool skirt, unheard of in my neck of the woods. Have a lovely weekend, hugs Julie.

  10. I would say you SCORED all the way around on this jaunt.

  11. Lucky you to get to go to Bayfield and to find a Pendleton skirt for 10 cents! I hope it has lots of pleats! Was it Apple Festival time in Bayfield? Such a lovely little town!


  12. its always nice to do a spur of the moment get away! my sons in duluth and been sending beautiful pictures.. they do alot of hiking and take it all in. love the rocks stacked high its amazing how beautiful things are. enjoy!

  13. What a nice get-away for the four of you! I love the stack of stones and that red tree is too beautiful.
    Glad you had a relaxing time!

  14. That just makes my eyes so happy to see those pictures. What a wonderful getaway. I just loved those stacks of rocks and that big leaf. I am so glad you took a picture too.
    All of the color.
    I love fall too. I love your fall. :)

  15. Cathy ~
    What a fun get-away!
    LOVE the stacked rocks.
    Hugs :)

  16. Oh My Cathy, a delightful trip! Spotted Cow is hubby's choice from New Glarus... OLM

  17. How beautiful,I loved your pictures, Hugs Cheri

  18. Sounds like a great over night. Love that you found the skirt.

  19. What a beautiful sculpture ~ so fun to find!
    We took a drive today and took pics of all the beautiful fall colors ~ we were in the Waupaca area.
    Kudos to your husband for finding the best find of the day!
    Prim Blessings

  20. Omy but you could get a second job with National Geographic with those wonderful pictures. Loved the rock formation. Thanks for the fanciful fall tour.


  21. All so lovely! We don't have those nice smooth rocks here. Our rive rock in more chunky and pointy. I like to pick up those smooth ones when we travel. Thanks for the little fall outing Cathy!


  22. Cathy, How are you!
    The piles of artful rock, my daughter calls these "signs of soul" So nice to come upon these signs!

  23. Oh My Lord - you are in heaven! That red leafed tree by your home is just beautiful. Utah was so dry that the mountain sides aren't as bright as other years. Thanks for sharing!


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