Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Primitive Handmades Mercantile Update this Friday!

 This Friday the 17th is the Aug. update for our Primitive Handmades Mercantile selling blog already.  Mercy!  The days just fly by!   Let's see...... I do have something to offer this month.  I dug into my stash of vintage fabrics and found some pretty black and white calico and another black and white cotton with the neatest tiny stripe design.  I've  been thinking it's high time I quit hoarding some of this  fabric I've collected over the years and start using some of it in my designs.  The item I've created for the August update begged for this early black and white calico to go with a hand-dyed gold wool and some of Rebecca Erb's newest wool called Phantom Trail. What awesome wool!   I used it in the leaves for the "1820 Sunflower" rug!  So you'll have to be sure and stop by the Mercantile ( after midnight on Thurs.) to shop this months offerings!

 I want to let you  know how much I appreciate  your kind comments on my new "1820 Sunflower" rug design!  And a big huge THANK-YOU to all who have so kindly ordered the pattern!  They have all been sent and should arrive in your mailbox within the week! It makes my heart glad to know that so many fellow rug hookers will be hooking one of my patterns!  I do love to see how you interpret my designs so email me a photo of your completed rug and I will share it here on my blog if you like.

The paper pattern is still available on my selling blog "Red House Wool Studio" which is a "click" away in the upper left hand corner of this blog.  ( the Primitive Handmades Mercantile button is over there too). 
Our weather has cooled here in Wisconsin and we've been experiencing some gorgeous days and nice sleeping weather. But really..... who can sleep with all the work to be done and dealing with this "monkey mind" of mine that won't shut off!  I know I'm not alone in suffering from this irritating affliction.  It's really the left brain forgetting to tell the right brain "it's okay now...... you've conjured and created and played enough for the day! Get some sleep.... save some good juice for tomorrow's creating!"                                 
                                ( .... ah... let me know if that works for ya!)
                                                   Cathy G


  1. can't wait to see your updates - love everything you've been doing and your new patterns! So cool! Isn't it funny how we "hoard" our stuff - yet what are we waiting for - there is always that next best thing out around the corner!

  2. Cathy, your sunflower rug is simply wonderful...I love your new header photo...such a happy pic! My brain is spinning these days, as well...I need a few more hours in the day and some powerful vitamins or strong coffee. Can't wait for the update.

  3. Cathy,

    I can't wait to see what you have created!! i so love my cornflower pin keep and the sunflower pillow!!! OLM

  4. You have no idea how hard it is for me to not just hop on over and order that pattern. I really, really like it.
    It just makes me happy to look at it not to mention I really like that yellow cupboard.
    I want to do the other cute sunflower patten and I need to get two more rugs done that are sitting here.
    I will be buying it soon though. :)
    You do such beautiful work.
    Thank you

  5. Between the unrelenting humidity, sleeping has been a struggle. Plus the mever ending "monkey mind" of useless lists I feel the need to develop at 2am....I am craving Fall.

  6. cathy, love your offerings on the phm. you do such great work in that perfect prim studio of yours! i too am ordering a pattern and cant wait to make that sunflower! ive been up hooking the last 2 nights till 1;30 sure beats going to bed 9 ish and up at 1;30! enjoy your night cathy!!

  7. Hi Cathy!

    Adore your blog banner! It makes fall seem just around the corner, and that's a good thing! Also, your sunflower pattern is fabulous.... It inspires me to start something new for fall.



I love comments! Thank-you!