Saturday, August 4, 2012

Alfalfa Fest! Come Join Us!!

Come August in most small towns across the USA there's usually a  Festival or two being held that is named after a local product or crop that is grown.  Here in northern Wisconsin we have Dairy Days, the Rutabaga Festival, and the one on which I am about to take you along......., the Alfalfa Fest! Located smack dab in the middle of farming country and held on a farm named Sunnyfields Farms  located near the Hay River..... no kidding!   Driving through winding back roads with our two pups in tow we parked along side the barn and headed to the open space all set up with tents and plenty of activities geared for kids and oldsters alike!  A few photos might help you get the flavor of what it was like!  Oh.... and you may want to dig out a couple of  bucks to throw down on the 
Chicken Poop Bingo game ! 

The minute we hopped out of our car  a group of kids came running towards us wanting to pet the dogs!  The rest of the day we had to stop as older people as well as every kid wanted us to stop so they could  pet them!  Gosh maybe we should have set up a petting booth!  
A familiar sight and almost iconic in this area... an old Allis- Chalmers WD-45  tractor.... we had one on our farm when I was a kid and my Grandpa worked as a welder in Milwaukee WI at the company where they were made.   And here come the horses and buggy...... how about a ride?

Over the Hay River and through the corn fields!  And what's an Alfalfa Fest without a hay ride!  The Allis will do the honors pulling the hay wagon later!
Dave captures a few shots for the newspaper! The guy just never quits working! LOL!
Misty and Belle all decked out in their horse finery!  

How about a little massage after that horse and buggy ride! 

Surrounded by cornfields and fresh country air!  What could be more relaxing!!

These lovely ladies were the volunteer dishwashers!  Probably in need of a massage after washing hundreds of plates and silverware.  They are part of an environmental group taking responsible measures making sure no plastic plates or utensils are being used to create waste and garbage for our environment!  How neat is that!  Good job Hay River Initiative Group!!
The very young and a few older ones enjoying the days festivities!
Do you still have your money ready for the Chicken Poop Bingo game?

The object here is to buy a number on the board and hope the chicken decides your number is the one she likes to drop a little poop on!  Oh yeah!  The designated watchers for the much anticipated poop had quite the tedious job as the chicken seemed not too interested in pooping in front of the crowd today!

This little guy had his number all picked out!  Now if the darn chicken would just cooperate!
Everybody could go home happy!

Hope you enjoyed the Alfalfa Fest!

Cathy G


  1. Oh what fun!...sounds like a perfect day!


  2. Hello Cathy, what a great festival, sounds like such a wonderful way to spend a summer day. Thanks for sharing your fun filled day,under the B,plop. Blessings Francine.

  3. We've done Cow Paddy Bingo before in a field. The chicken version would be much easier to watch :)

  4. OMG what fun it must have been to be there in person. I had a great time just reading about it on your blog. Thanks!


  5. Don't you just love rural small town America? I can't imagine living in a large metropolitan area, since I've always lived in a small town. LOVE IT!!


  6. Chicken Poop Bingo!!11OMG I couldn't stop laughing!!!!! I never heard of it but what a cool idea.
    What a perfect way to spend a day on that farm and so much fun. I would love to have gone to that.
    Thanks for sharing. ( I am still giggling about bingo)
    Enjoy your day!

  7. Now THAT's a great fest! I could almost smell the fresh air and hay!

  8. What fun!!!
    Thanks for taking us along.
    Hugs :)

  9. Chicken poop bingo! Who knew?! I have played rat bingo at the fair a few years back....only in the midwest!!! It certainly looks green up there!!!! Looks like you all had a really fun day!

  10. thanks for taking us along to the Alfalfa Fest...what a fun day! I'd have been petting the dogs too...

  11. What a fun day! Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to be visiting my DH's family farm at the same time the Annual Steam Engine Show took place...a similar event, and what a blast for this city girl. But chicken poop bingo???? Now that tops it all. I LOVE IT! Wish I could have been there to play!!! XXX

  12. Sounds like a fun time, Cathy - can't say I ever heard of Hay River! And, yikes, you all have gotten more rain than we have - everything looks so green there. Love the shot of Misty and Belle. Happy Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. That fun!! My husband is flying into Duluth on Wednesday & will spend a week in Cornucipia with family. I am sad to miss it, and sad to miss the whitefish at Greunke's in Bayfield. I'll be at home working away, missing a the wonderful smell of the north woods and long walks along Lake Superior. Enjoy your summer!

  14. What a lot of fun! Love those country festivals and the chicken poop bingo was a hoot!

  15. How fun...what a country! Looks like a wonderful way to spend a Summer day! God bless those dish washing ladies!!!
    Thanks for sharing this fun with us. Love the cows!

  16. cathy,

    What a great way to spend a wonderful summer day!!! OLM

  17. What a wonderful way to spend the day!! Love the chicken poop bingo!!

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  18. What a fun and delightful way to spend the day. I learned something new as well, chicken poop bingo, who knew! Hugs, Julie.


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