Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Keep on Blooming!

The Black-eyed Susan's in my blog header are the ones I purchased out at Saffert's Garden Tour earlier this summer.  They are a different variety that have nice big flowers.  They have been blooming despite being beaten down a couple of times by driving rain storms.  I keep staking them back up and they keep blooming!  Kind of like life itself I guess. When we get beaten down with health issues, family struggles, financial worries, weather related problems etc. something seems to always come along and stake us back up.  We just have to remember to keep on blooming!

The calendar says this Friday is the Primitive Handmades Mercantile update already!  I took a break last month so thought I better not be a slacker this month!    LOL!
The photo above is a sneak peak of one item I'll be offering. 
A little tease if you will! 

This morning I called in a huge wool order to Rebecca Erb's Wool Studio. Oh My Gosh!..... it's kind of scary to be ordering wool by the bolt ( 15 yards) now as well as yardage!  Things have been progressing here to the point that I need wool for my own designing as well as a few students who are looking for wool for their own projects.  This fall and winter is going to be the busiest ever around here I believe for all things wool and hooking.
Exciting times ahead!  
I'm just gonna keep on blooming!

Cathy G


  1. Pretty, pretty, blooms my friend....both in your garden and in your tease. ;o) Did you say rain? Yikes, we haven't had any in so long I'm forgetting what it is. (Well, we had a few drops today, but it literally dried up before reaching the ground.....) Bloom on! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Thanks Cathy. I needed the reminder to keep on blooming this week!

  3. Wow Cathy, you sure are blooming where you are planted. I revisited your July 2011 blog posts of a year ago and I was blown away by that video of the dog, the cat and the rat who lived peacefully together as I saw it for the first time and I saw you beautiful studio all so pretty and decorated. You have been an inspiration with how you have bloomed and branched out in one short year.

    Congratulations on expanding to purchase wool by the bolt. The way you are going I'm sure that it won't last long. I kind of need to bloom too.

    Sorry about not being on blogger much lately. I had internet connection problems making leaving comments a bit of a challenge.

    Hugs my sweet friend and have a hook of a week. JB

  4. Your little preview looks great,,,love the colors! Can't wait to see the whole project.

    I LOVE to get new wools...I'm envying your large Wool Studio order...shame on me!


  5. My stakes keep getting knocked down and it's becoming harder & harder to keep blooming.no matter how hard I try.
    How wonderful to order wool!!!
    I'm teasing myself on what my update is gonna be,but it looks like you've got a good thing goin' there.

  6. Oooh, to buy wool by the bolt.....I think I would have to roll around in it, lol.

  7. I'm excited for you!!! Congrats and enjoy! :-)

  8. Oh how I love WOOL!
    Keep blooming.


  9. Busy is a good thing to be! And wool is always good to get! Your flowers are so pretty...both of them. Congratulations!

  10. Cathy: I love your analogy. You're so right. Fabric by the bolt...you go, girlfriend!!! I love hearing your teaching is going so well that you have the need for that kind of inventory. Oh...and forgot to post, I think...but I love love love how your horses mat looked when finished, the colors were just great. It looked perfect over your cupboard. I always think your house must be like being in one of those magazines. Wish I had the designer gene! XXXX

  11. Oh my you are going to be busy!! But am betting you will have lots of fun doing it!

  12. Cathy,
    You're right, life can try to push us down, but luckily we usually find something or someone to help us back up! "Keep Blooming"...sounds like a rug to me!!!!
    Yes, I remember how exciting/scary it was to start ordering "big orders" of wool....nothing more fun than when it gets to your door and you get to unbox it all! I remember those days fondly!

  13. Hi Cathy,
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful analogy...a good reminder for all of us, surely!!! All of us need "flower power" in our lives!!!
    So happy for your exciting times ahead and just keep on "Blooming!"
    Happy Hugs~~


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