Thursday, May 17, 2012

Max Made Me Update..... finally!!

                                                      Max has been giving me that look.  "Mom, do you know how long it's been since you've updated your blog?  Aren't you going to tell them about my ear infection?   You could show them pictures of the garden you've been working so hard in the last couple of weeks...... Mom.... just post SOMETHING so they  know you're still alive!"

Okay Max. You're right!  I owe it to my readers to at least let them know I haven't given up on blogging.  I think I'll show them these new varieties of window box plants I found yesterday. The yellow one in front is Lysimachia.  The pretty purple one is Littletunia Blue Vein.  Every year I try to find something a little bit different to plant in the window box on the front deck.  
Have you noticed how the price of plants and even Miracle Gro potting soil have gone up?  It's very hard for me to walk through the garden centers and see all the different varieties and select only a few.  Luckily I have a lot of perennials that come up every year in the gardens.

Here is another fun variety of Supertunia I found. It is called Pretty Much Picasso. Maybe the names attract me as much as the colors!  I can't wait for this one to fill the planter with these bright pink and green edge flowers! 

Another new addition to my rock garden in the back yard is this water fountain with cherubs!  It was on clearance at the Farm and Fleet garden center for $39.00.   I love a water feature in the garden and have been looking at fountains for a couple of years.  They are always priced beyond my budget so I was delighted to have found this one so reasonable. 

The purple Iris are just starting to bloom.  They never fail to fascinate with their mysterious deep color and velvety petals!  Some day I would love to hook a rug depicting these exotic looking blooms!   Speaking of hooking.............

My lovely and exotic friends Eva, Lorena and Sharon are showing off their projects of late.  Eva has been recuperating from back surgery and a recent broken arm ( she fell off her bike)...  kids!!   So she hasn't been able to hook but is starting a little bird kit I made up for her.  Lorena hooked my Grinning Jack pattern in very unusual colors of black, white and gray with orange accents.  Isn't it stunning!!     Sharon is working on a pattern that she and her husband drew.   It is a likeness of their daughter's logo for a design business she has.  Sharon has beautiful loops and this is only her second project!  I am so happy to have a group of wonderful hookers who are meeting here regularly now.  We keep one another inspired and I can tell you I am the one who needs it the most!

Lastly I want to remind you of the May update on Primitive Handmades Mercantile   tomorrow.   I did manage to make something and will be updating my page sometime tomorrow afternoon.  I have Dr.s appointments all morning so hope to be able to update later in the day.  Here is a sneak peek.

We are having a give-away again this month where you find the letters and figure out the phrase to be entered to win!  Come join in and shop some of the best hand mades in town!!
See you tomorrow!
Cathy G




  1. Way to go, Max!!! I sure am glad you gave Mom 'The Look'!
    Good to hear from you, Cathy! Looks like spring has happened in the far north. Your plants and garden are lovely. And that amazing fountain was a terrific bargain! Whoo-hoo!!!
    Your group of hookers look like they're enjoying themselves.
    Good luck with the doctor appts.

  2. cathy so nice to hear from you! hope that all is on the mend around there. your pictures of the flowers and such are great! love fountains too and yours is beautiful and a great buy! what fun to have hookers to hang out with! enjoy your evening cathy!

  3. love your gardens
    max is a sweetie!

  4. Love the garden!! The rugs are beautiful!!

  5. Oh Max ~ so sorry to hear you have an ear infection ~ hope it clears up soon.

    Beautiful garden pics ~ so love the water fountain you found at such a great price!!!

    The girls are doing a wonderful job on their hooking pieces ~ sorry to hear about Eva ~ hopes she heals up fast. We'll have to say a little prayer for her.

    Prim Blessings

  6. Cathy G, Been wondering aboutcha! I'm glad Max prodded you!! Great flower pics and lovely ladies with their hooking projects. Best wishes tomorrow. Your sneak peek looks pretty neat! I'll look forward to checking everything out tomorrow. Hugs, Lori

  7. Lovely pictures, love your 'director", he looks very pensive in the photo. The flowers & rugs are just wonderful!

  8. Dear Max - thank you so much for making your Mommy update - we missed her and I was getting worried! Hope your ear infection is cleared up and wasn't too painful! Sending you whisker kisses from my boys and ear rubs. Tell your Mom she has done real good with her students and can't wait to see her new creations!

  9. Good job Max!! I finally got around to posting today myself...just haven't been able to find the time lately. Those iris are stunning!
    Karen & the Hounds

  10. Good to hear from you Cathy! Glad it is mostly good stuff that keep you away from blogging! :-) Poor Max... give him a soft pat on the head from me! I hope his ear's are all better. Beautiful flowers!!! Now I will be looking everywhere for some of the lysmachia! lol! :-)

  11. Beautiful flowers.
    Wow the price of geraniums.(my fav are crazy this year)
    Love the fountain too.
    Max is precious glad he talked you into posting:)
    Prayers to Eva.Love the rugs and the best thing of all is friends!

  12. Whew! I thought something happened to you! Your garden is lovely. Give Max a pet for me. Sarah

  13. the garden is looking so pretty. I love your fountain. I too keep a look out for one that I can afford, your score gives me hope! :)

  14. Welcome back - thanks for sharing all the beautiful posies and the adorable picture of Max. We are all torn in different directions these days - with gardens beckoning and that desire to be outside when it is awesome there. As long as you post an "I'm ok" every once in a while, that's good. We do watch over one another, don't we?

  15. Max is not only smart but very pretty. I too am not blogging and visiting like I want to but hopefully things will get back to normal soon.
    Wow you really got a bargain with your lovely fountain. I would love to find one just like this for that price. lol Like you I would snatch up in a minute.
    Your flowers are so pretty.
    I love how you blog is set up too. This is how I want mine but don't have a clue on how to do it and always nervous to fool with something on blogger.
    I have to check out the site your talking about.
    Sounds like as always you are so busy.
    Have a great weekend and enjoy your flowers

  16. I LOVE all your garden shots, Cathy! Everyone needs a Max to keep them in line. Iris and Willow keep us on our toes around here. Your flowers are gorgeous!


  17. Cathy so glad you cutie pie Max made you update~ your garden shots are beautiful~
    and rugs looking gorgeous~

  18. I love purple flowers, and that pup is adorable! :)

  19. Hi Cathy,
    Love the flowers! So glad that Max's ear is better. He is adorable.

  20. Cathy: Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope you feel better soon!

  21. Glad to see you are well and planting. Your students all look happy and ready to hook.

  22. Oh Cathy - those photos of your plantings are gorgeous!! I found some of the Picasso petunias too and love them!! But that Lysimachia is new to me.... And major score on the fountain!! I love fountains....DH bought me one many years ago for our anniversary - and it died eventually beyond repair.....Little did I know, but he gave it to the neighbors who use it as a planter. So now I have to drive by it every time I go into town and think of my DH (and mind you, the "D" in this case is not "dear".....) ;o) Hope Max is all better....what a handsome fellow! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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