Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stripping Gears

For all fellow rug hookers who read my blog this post is for you!!  
I'm sure you are all familiar with the little Bliss cutter in the photo above.  This is the cutter I bought off Ebay used several years ago.  It has been my faithful companion cutting all the wool for the countless rugs I've hooked over the past 6 years or so. Recently I have been having major problems with getting it to cut straight or cut at all!  Not good timing as I have a lot of kits to do up now before my classes start in Oct.  Hubby tipped her over to examine the underside after my countless complaints and whining the other day. To my horror he announced the gears were stripped! Poor Bliss should be sent to the manufacturer for an overhaul!  I couldn't imagine being without some sort of cutter at this time right before classes.  Just couldn't imagine it.  
Serious discussions ensued.  The state of the economy ( ours to be exact), the fact that repairs are being made on quite a few household things at the moment, the price of groceries, the dogs need haircuts, Hubby needs a vacation and his truck is making bad noises.......  very long discussions....................


Yep!  That is our front Porch yesterday.  After the UPS man made a visit!!


My rug hooking readers know exactly what this is!!!


Come along now and share my excitement!! I've dreamt about this moment for years!!  The case itself is awesome!!!


The top lid opens for a darling little space to store hooks, scissors, candy LOL!!   What ever you want to keep handy........  OH!!  and then...........


The whole lid opens and ...........another LIFT OUT little caddy holds the cutter blades etc. and the attachments for using the long blades if you decide to get them....... I ordered #6 # 7 # 8  for now!



under that little caddy you lift out is the mean, lean cutting machine himself with a nice hard foam protection around him!!  


The instruction booklet!  Read it later!...............


Well.... I had to read it now I guess.  Wanted to be sure I was dropping the cutter cartridges in the right way!!   Oh would you look at that!!  Doesn't need the wrench and any adjusting........ Just drop that baby in and.............


Cutting wool!   OMG!!!  Better than sex!!

If you come knockin'  and my studio door is rockin!   You'll know why!!

Cathy G

The Big BAd Boy Himself!!


  1. Oh Cathy - I am so excited for you. I know you will love yours as much as I love mine. It is worth the money. I love the fancy new case too. Happy cutting.
    There are 2 things no hooker should be without - a fancy cutter and thigh high leather boots. (Wink)

  2. Congratulations, anyone who rug hooks and teaches needs to have the best equipment. You will love it .

  3. Geez, I was going to offer to lend you my Bliss that I keep as a spare, but....
    It seems you have solved the problem in the most exciting way possible!!! hehehe!
    Yes, they are marvelous machines! Cutting perfection!!!
    And yes again, better than sex! By far!!!

  4. You, Woman ~ are very funny!!! I know, I love my Townsend, too! It is a great cutter ~ but there are some things ~ that it just can't replace!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Oh Cathy how exciting. You will love it, I love mine too. I like how your hubby has a conversation!!! Have fun!!!!


  6. Congratulations on your new baby! Nothing like having the right equipment!!

  7. Oh wow, lucky you!! I'm jealous for sure!!! Have fun with your new machine!

  8. Congratulations on the new cutter, I have a townsend and love how it cuts. I really like the case they have for theirs, mine doesn't fit the one they gave us, think it was made for a camera;)


  9. I'm green with envy, but congratulations, Cathy!! I can only dream of getting one someday. Hope you have many years together (you, your Townsend and, of course, your dear husband!)


  10. Cathy ~
    You are too funny! I think you missed your calling (other than being a hooker!).
    You will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new baby. Everthing they say about them is totally true. Woo hoo for you!
    Hugs :)

  11. Oh. And can you give us a close up of the hooked pumpkin in your header photo so we can see how it is finished.
    Please and thank you :)

  12. Congratulations it's the only way to go! You'll absolutel love it :)

  13. I could feel the excitement in this post. Guess you've been very busy now with your new equipment.

  14. LOL I loved the commentary on your new cutter. Made me excited for you just reading it. Have fun..

  15. WOW, I am impressed, your new cutter must be the cadillac of all cutters. Now, as for those leather boots Kim suggested, you most definately need fish net stockings to complete your look! Happy Hooking.

  16. I just ordered a pattern recently and it came with a flyer for the Beeline! You lucky girl you. I was thinking that maybe...after the generator (A girl's gotta have water, after all, even more than wool), I could get me one of these babies! I had a happy dream for a moment. Believe it or not it was only a few hours ago...and then I read your post! It's a sign...I'm sure of it! Enjoy the cutting Nirvana!

  17. Cathy, I'm so happy for you. I can picture you turning that crank. I just love how you save the surprise for last. You really have a knac to tell your story...


  18. Cathy - You are cracking me up! I got one a number of years ago after deciding rug hooking was for me so I might as well bite the bullet and get one! That new case is so much nicer than the one I got with the Townsend - a camera case that doesn't fit it - i threw mine out!

  19. Enjoy your new cutter. I don't hook, but using the cutter looks like fun.

  20. Oh WOW! Congrats to you! I was wondering how the bee-line version would be and I see they have carries on the quality beautifully! :-) LOVE that case!!! Enjoy your new cutter Cathy! You'll wonder how you ever cut wool without it!

  21. I hope you love your Townsen as much as I do! It's a wonderful cutter.

  22. Laughing at your post! Congrat's on your new cutter. It is Wonderful, love mine. smooth as butter...

  23. Cathy.... Congratulations on your new cutter... I know exactly how you feel it is like Christmas every day you get it out of the case and use it..... I know they are pricey but they are worth every penny..... And you are right OMG!! it is better than sex!....

  24. I sooo want one but I would have to hook a whole lot more than I do. Every time I go to Dorr Mill Terry tries to sell me one. I can tell you are one happy hooker!

  25. Honey I am not even one of you lucky rug makers and I was so excited reading this and the opening of your awesome cutter.
    Made me want one sooooo bad and I would not know what to do with it if I had one. hahaha
    My dream someday is to take one of your classes.
    Enjoy the new love of your life....had to laugh about better than sex.
    I do need one of these...where do I begin to find one

  26. As a fellow rug hooker who had made do with a used Bliss for years now, let me say I am drooling with envy over your new Townsend...Oooooh, you lucky gal. Better than sex ? Well I am sure it would at least run a VERY close second at my house...although the hubs does work 70 hours a week (money is tight here too) so I would get more use out of the cutter...hahaha. I am so glad that I couldn't sleep at all last night and found your blog. You crack me up and girl, I needed a good laugh. I love your rugs too...I will be back again & again.

    Grace to you,


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