Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Give-Away Time at Orange Sink Blog!

It's about time I have a give-away on this ol' blog!!  I have been gathering followers like wildfire the past couple of weeks!  Welcome to those of you who have jumped on board!  I try to keep my readers entertained  and updated on the happenings around the Orange Sink household when I'm not in the studio with my new Townsend cutter going to town LOL!.
There are times however when the brain fog really takes over and I am hard pressed to come up with anything I think you might find worthwhile to read.   I really do appreciate those who follow and comment and those who may read and don't comment.

If you have been a little bit shy about commenting or don't know how....... Feel free to hit the Email Me button over there on the side bar and leave me your comment.

Oh...... what am I giving away?  Thought you might like to know that little tid bit of information LOL!

How about the little round hooked mat in the photos here! 


It measures about 10 1/2 inches across so it fits in a lot of places. The colors are nice and warm and go with any season.  The more I try and pare down the things I decorate with these days the more I LOVE little mats like this that can be left out year round.  Made with 100% wool strips hooked through a lovely linen backing.  Most of the wools have been hand-dyed by me!

All you have to do to be eligible to win is leave a comment on this post!  Just say Hi!  If you want to help me out you can also tell me what shape and size of hooked mat you would find useful in your home.  What color palette you are into like neutrals, brights, earthy etc.  I am trying to decide what my next hooking project will be and maybe you all can lend some inspiration here!

Thanks in advance........ can't wait to hear from you!   You can sign up to follow my blog too if you wish!  I also have some other little goodies to go along with the mat for the lucky winner!
Good Luck Everybody!

P.S.  Let's end this give-away soon so you can get the mat in time for your Fall and Holiday decorating!  Mon. Sept. 19th will be the deadline okay? I'll draw out of the hat on Tues the 20th!  Appreciate you putting the word out on your blogs too!   Hugs!!

Cathy G




  1. Oh WOW! Count me in! I love this! I will post on my giveaway page later for you too!

    What hookings do I love? well I'm going to have to say cat ones! I have seen lots and I just love them!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. Oh Cathy - what a delightful little rug! Please enter me in your giveaway!

    It seems I make most of my projects using intense colors - I should try something more muted one of these times.

    I'm posting from Santa Fe, NM today instead of my home in Utah, cuz we're on vacation.

    Gayle (the middle sister)

  3. Hi Cathy,
    Would love to win this mat. Really love the colors.

    for rugs I love muted "old" colors...primitive and love the round mats.


  4. Cathy~ Very generous of you~ the mat is beautiful~ would love to give it a home~
    for me any size mat & love the neutrals~ lights & darks~
    Thanks for a terrific giveaway~
    Good luck to all~

  5. Definitely count me in! I discovered your blog and spent quite a bit of time reading here and looking through your photos. Beautiful work and what a great studio you have.

  6. oh I am in like flynn!! I love your work and I could leave this up all year round to enjoy..I love the fall tones myself..earthy..they are just so cozy.;) thank you for a wonderful giveaway.;)

  7. Ooooh, count me in for sure. I would LOVE to have an Orange Sink original around for inspiration every day. I'll put this on my sidebar tonight when I get home.

  8. As a new member, would love to be included in your draw. The rug is perfect as is but SHEEP are always appreciated in this house.
    Have been enjoying your blogs for some time now, off and on. Find the entertaining and informative.
    Loved your post with pics re. your new cutter. I see they've made some improvements in the carrying case. Glad you're already in love with your new machine :)
    Blessings to you and yours.

  9. I love your hooked mat the size is perfect. I love toned down jewel tones. I'm getting so inspired to get out my hooking supplies, Thanks

  10. Love the little mat!! Who am I kidding~I love anything hooked. Would love a chance to win your wonderful hooked mat. I'll post on my blog.

    Thanks for the chance~Becky

  11. I've been enjoying your blog. I'd love to win the wool mat. Smalls work best for me....a hooked rug on the floor would be too inviting for the cat to stretch and scratch! I like the primitive autumn color palate. I am SO JEALOUS of your new cutter!

  12. That is an adorable little mat. I love everything about it, the design, the colors and the fact that it's made by YOU!
    I could jump up and down with excitement!!! (except I think I'm too old)

  13. Love that little mat and the fact that you have hand dyed some of the wool!! Just to let you know that I do read your blog tho I don't always comment :-)

  14. Little Friend - That hooked mat would be perfect in my N.C. farm house. I'm just now starting to dig into my Fall and Halloween tubs. Those colors would be perfect in my living room where I keep the rocking chairs and wood stove. It's a good size. Beautiful job on your mat.

  15. Coming up for air from my new job which is kicking me in the pants! I just came upon your post...(I'm so far behind)...and I love this little mat!! Count me in, m'dear! I'd be honored to have one of your creations settled in my little house!
    Hugs to you!

  16. Wow Cathy you are so good at what you do! I love your little round mat too. Your colors are exactly what I like. I also love tombstone shaped rugs - they look good on the wall. Thanks!! SUE

  17. Cathy, count me in on your generous give away. I would love to win one of your own creation now that you are famous. ha,ha.

    I don't think that you need help in choosing colors because you are doing a wonderful job already. Just the same I let you know that I'm leaning on subdued, neutral and earthy colors. I like bright in certain settings but prefer colors that don't scream at me. Something restful and easy to look at. Hugs, JB

  18. YIPPEE!!!! PICK ME PICK ME!!! Cathy! Love your blog and seeing all your hooking!
    I have not idea what size rug you should make next, but I do so love anything with fall colors any time of year! OLM

  19. Cathy ~
    I'd be honored to own an O.S. original!!!
    I prefer the dark, primitive colors though I don't succeed in choosing them for my rugs! One of these days...sigh.
    Hugs :)

  20. Sweet!! I'd love to be in your giveaway!! Thanks for your generosity ~ I love little mats, too!

  21. That is beautiful colors!
    Count me in too!
    Love your blog.

  22. Love your creations! And just adore the little mat. I am a new hooker and I love folk art style. Am in love with all colors but lean towards fall and earth tones. Now making Santa mats for family.

  23. Hi Cathy, You have such a wonderful blog! I am new follower and welcome you to stop by for a visit sometime with me. http://Marmmiesmammysandmore.blogspot.com
    I would love to give your hooked mat a new loving home, if you would so kindly enter me into your give-away. I am just starting out as a new hooker and seem to lean towards all the dark jewel tones, as far a size and shape goes...I would have to say I have a fondness for ovals. I will gladly post on my sidebar for you. Hugs Mary

  24. I'd love a chance to win one of your creations! Count me in! The most useful sizes are the chair pad size (round or square) and the oblong pieces for table tops, trunk tops or draping along the back of a sofa or chair... oh... I like neutrals and earthtones as that what fits in to my decor...

  25. Love the mat Cathy! Would love a chance to give it a home. I also love the little shapes, round or square, or rectangle to fit into the smaller spots of my house. Hang over things, lay under things. My problem is, that I keep on selling all my small pieces. I have none for me.(I do have one longer runner that did not sell at the show and am pleased. Going to use it!) Must start doing some smaller pieces, but I have an eye on a BIG rug next :).
    My colors are very neutral, old, prim looking. But enjoy a touch of "poison" in a rug.Love the simplicity of this round piece :)

  26. Wow, Cathy...I would LOVE to win the rug! What a great giveaway!!


  27. Cathy: You're too cool for doing a give away...I should take a page from your book to unload (I mean give away) some of my yarn shop leftovers. Anyway...I like the colors you usually use, although lately I've found myself craving a muted sage green in all depths of shade. PS I'm also impressed that you decorate for the seasons. You are welcome to my place anytime...

  28. I LOVE your little mat!
    Colors for my projects depend on the room, who it's for, and I suppose the season. I'm in a very muted phase right now.

  29. Hello Cathy....I am, at this point in time, your newest follower. I can't believe I have come upon you before being a fellow hooker and Wisconsinite!! I LOVE this little mat and would be honored to be entered in your giveaway (and tickled pink to give it a good home with me!) ;o) I, too, like the smaller mats - round for chairs and stools, little rectangular ones for the multitude of old boxes I have a "thing" for. Colorwise, I'm usually all about dark, muddy colors.....Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS I have also posted your giveaway on my blog sidebar....)

  30. I'm a follower
    I like round mats in neutrals

    rjs682 at yahoo dot com

  31. Terrific give~away Cathy! Your chair pad is awesome...I will be sure to post your give-away on my blog today! ♥Eileen

  32. I'm a new follower Cathy and a new lover of primitives. I love all things wool and have made several wallhangings, etc. in the last year. Your mat is perfect for one of my end tables so of course I'm hoping to win. Blessings, Marlene

  33. I love your little mat and your blog.Keep up the hooking.

  34. Great mat you are giving away.
    Are you just loving that new cutter.
    When I go to my blog all my followers are gone last count I had 99, maybe they all came over to you.


  36. I love your rug, I was sent here by E of Robinhill Quilts and I'm so glad. Thanks for the chance to win Cathy.

  37. Love the rug! I like black with dark jewel tones.

  38. Hi! Cathy this is beautiful, I would love to win this! I like the darker red, hunter green, burgundy, navy, and browns, mustard or pale blue highlights, always need a touch of black though to ground things. Round or rectangle shapes seem to work best for me. Thanks for the chance, peace!

  39. Awesome giveaway and what a beautiful mat. I'm sure you will come up with something just right for your next project!

  40. wow count me in. your color pallet is amazing so I will leave it all to you. I thought maybe you would let us all have a week with your new cutter! Just kidding:)
    so glad you are gathering up the followers

  41. Love your mat. I love the primitive colors. Don't you just love your new cutter? I am at a rug camp in Duluth, MN and loving all the fellow rug hookers, their rugs and talents.

    Linda W

  42. Cathy - What a great little rug!! One of these days I am going to try this style of rug hooking and I think I would like to do a rabbit of some kind!! Thanks for the chance to win this darling piece!! Kris P.S. I love your blog!!!

  43. Hi, Cathy, nice to meet you.I now follow your blog. I would appreciate entry into your giveaway. I am posting this on my blog sidebar under my giveaways column. I am learning rug hooking and can't wait to get as good as you are! I am thrilled to find another blog on rug hooking.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  44. Hi Cathy!
    So very nice to meet you! I just became a follower but have visited your blog before and have always enjoyed your posts! You do such lovely work and I LOVE the mat and would love to win it even more!! I do not hook (yet, but hopefully someday) but love blacks, browns, mustards and reds and Hearts are my very favorite symbol! Thanks for this generous opportunity to win your lovely mat!
    Blessings and Thanks,

  45. I'd love to have a mat hooked by you.

    I need browns/burgundy/golden colors on my floor to go along with the wall-to-wall carpeting.

    Do you have a picture of you cutter on this blog?

  46. ~Hi Cathy ;-) I'm not sure if I'm following you or not as your followers aren't showing up. I know that's been a problem for some bloggers.
    ~That is a beauty of a hooked rug and I would love to have a chance to win it for my home. Please enter me:-) I'll for sure put your giveaway on my giveaway page too.
    ~I love mostly neutral colors, but the Fall colors sure are pretty and hard to resist.
    Thanks much for such a generous giveaway m'lady!

  47. Ohhhh I love your work!! Thanks for the chance to win this rug...I don't own any so it would be a thrill to own a Cathy original!! Thanks again and take care!

  48. I am following your blog. A beautiful giveaway!! thanks for the chance to win.
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  49. Love, love, love, your sweet little mat, I would be honored to show it off here at Dog Trot Farm. I too enjoy the soft muted colors and shades for my hooking projects. Thank you for your generous offering, smiles, Julie.

  50. Wow...The mat is awsome !! Please enter me !!!

  51. What a beautiful little mat! I would love to win. I heard about your giveaway from Robin Hill Quilts. I am so glad I did. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  52. Cathy,
    Thanks for giving us a chance to own one of your beautiful hooked piece. It would be nice to have a rug around that is actually finished and not waiting for binding like mine right now. I find myself drawn to bright colors such as teal, purple and green. Of course, what I am working on right now is tans, brown, black and orange. Oh well, that's lfe!


  53. I'd love to win that neat mat. I've got the perfect stool just waiting for a topper. :-) Please throw my name in the hat!

  54. Saying hello, and please put my name in the hat.

  55. Pick me - love the little round mat!

    I put red in every rug and love golds, greens, antique black.

  56. yeah, a give away, yippieh!! pick me, pick me, the little mat is soo lovely!!
    favorite colors? hmm, i have to say orange. my first two rugs/mats did not have any, so for the third little mat i hooked a huge orange flower! :-)
    thanks for a chance to win, cathy, and have fun with your townsend!! it's the best!

  57. I'd love a chance to win this beautiful mat!!


  58. Hi,
    I love your mat and what a generous give away. I am new to your blog but really like your work! Have a great day!
    Julie M

  59. Hi Cathy, Count me in on your mat giveaway. My friend, Ginger, told me about your blog and your wool studio. It is awesome!!! Love reading your posts.

  60. Goodness I got all squiggly inside when I saw this luscious Hooked Rug...it's absolutely gorgeous and I'D BE SO HONORED IF YOU WOULD PUT MY NAME IN THE DRAWING.
    I love your work!
    I'll post this on my blog as well.
    I have followed you for quite some time now...thanks

    kmprimitives at gmail dotcom

  61. I just became a follower. Please enter me for a chance to win your lovely hooked rug.



  62. Hi Cathy,
    I just became a follower because I just found your blog. Your hooked mat is wonderful. Please enter me for a chance to win. Thank you.

  63. I love hooked rugs and I would love to start rug hooking, myself. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway....I will sign on to follow your blog as soon as your followers appear again.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  64. I found your blog today, and for my luck you are having a giveaway. Beautiful creation, please include my name on it.

  65. Please include me in your drawing!

    ryanac32 at yahoo dot com

  66. I'm still working on my hooking skills. Some days I think they're improving; some days I think they're okay, and some days I think I'll never create anything that looks acceptable. Browns, beiges, and blues are my favorite. I'll be working on a table runner next. *Annie Carson @ Google*


I love comments! Thank-you!