Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Modern Technology

They are real foolers ...... these laminate floors!  Technology has given me pause once again as the new floor went down in the living room this past weekend.  

Sawing, snapping, sweating, swearing,   my dear hubby worked all weekend with a borrowed chop saw to cut these wider planks.   The tricky part around the walls and doors are all that's remaining.  Some staining and careful cuts will be required.

I've been wanting to rearrange our living room for about three years now.  Modern technology has kept me from actually doing it.  How so?  The darned T.V.

I've tried it in every corner of the room. The chairs as you know work the best when facing this mind mesmerizing squawking box of wonders.
Which leaves very little option of rearranging furniture in a room with one wall of double patio doors, one wall that is a fireplace with shelving and three doors or passageways to other areas of the house.  
Did I mention that our dog Max has become emotionally and physically attached to an old blue recliner that has seen better days?  He actually whines and gives me evil eyes after I  move it from one end of the room to the other!
I would really like to move it to the end of the driveway!



After suffering and recovering from acute sinus infection all of last week, this week I'm feeling much better thanks to modern medicine and the well wishes from YOU my wonderful blog readers!
Antibiotics are the single most wonderful drug in the world.  Right Karen? ( Through the Barn Door ) We have been comparing notes all week as we both came down with this malady almost simultaneously!  

Does he look a little worried?

Cathy G


  1. LOL - how did we get to this place where our TV rules the living room!? For years I yearned for a fancy TV cabinet with doors that closed so I could hide the beast. When I finally, FINALLY got one they up and invented flat screens so you no longer need a TV cozy the size of a compact car. Sheesh.

  2. Im loving your blog...and I LOVE your dogs!!!

  3. I having "where to keep the TV" issues myself. I need a lovely antique corner cabinet and then things will be well!! Glad you're feeling better. The floors look great.

  4. That's right Cathy!! Thank goodness for that drug!! Max does look a bit worried :-)! Here's to feeling better and staying that way!

  5. He look likes he's telling you "Don't even think about it!" TV's - i know - our living room is a bear to move around - plus nowadays you don't have the rabbit ears - you have the darn cable cables that are unsightly to run above or under something. I have laminate in my first floor and love it - so easy to clean (especially when we had miles and his upsets!) Love your floor

  6. Oh and I'm so happy you are feeling better!

  7. Cathy ~
    Your floors look great and I'm lovin' that cupboard with 3 drawers and the one door on top!!! I've never seen anything quite like it.
    Cute pic of Max!
    So glad to hear you are feeling better.
    Pug hugs :)

  8. Cathy, so love the floor!!! It looks liek the one we put in our kitchen... Glad to hear you are feeling better... always love to see your hooked rugs... I really need to try this! OLM

  9. hi, Cathy

    So glad you are feeling better~
    Max needs the chair~giggles~
    The floor looks wonderful, love it!!

  10. Cathy, glad to hear you are much improved. The floor looks wonderful, great job. Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  11. your floor looks wonderful. I didn't know that floor came with look. your room looks great.
    and your dog is a cutie.

  12. lol! Don't touch my chair! lol! I can imagine the grumbles... geeeez! The floor is fabulous! Lots of work but so well worth it! Good to hear that sinus infection went away... i hope it stays away for a long time!

  13. Glad you have recovered - summer sinus is the worst!!! the floors are awesome and so durable too. Let me just say that the only thing worse than a dog that won't let you rearrange the furniture, is a husband who believes there is only ONE floor plan for every room. LOL. I have to wait till he's not around to change anything. You could try that with Max - just kidding Max.

  14. The floor is amazingly beautiful! Zip and I have talked of putting one in the kitchen. This gives me hope, though I'm still not sure two old fogies could do it right. It's the 'sweating and swearing' part that worries me! The end result looks like it's worth the effort.
    Glad you are feeling better! It's miserable to be sick any time, but in the stuffy heat of summer it seems so much worse.
    Max does have a worried look! Please, Mommy, don't send my favorite chair out to the trash!!! PLEEEEEZE!!!

  15. the floors look beautiful..wood is the ONLY way to go with all the gang in here too...

    i love your little grey guy..poodle ? he looks alot like my Teddy !!! what's his name ?

    kary and teddy

  16. So glad you are feeling better! Your living room looks lovely. My Lucy has a couple of peices of furniture that she has claimed for herself. I think Max looks pretty protective of his chair!

  17. Love those floors! And I feel for you having the sinus infection as I usually get that each year but so far so good this year. Oh, and I LOVE that hooked piece on your blog behind the duck. Nice job. Is that your design or someone else's?

  18. Finally I can see calmly your blog, I love your creations and your house is really beautiful, cosy and the poodle ... wow, is a love!!!


  19. Have you ever tried to put the tv above the fireplace. I have resisted trying it myself but I think that I might but give it a try soon...
    So to the puppy but I would put the chair out and let it get over it....buy a dog bed! Dianntha Love the floor.

  20. Cathy...your floors are just beautiful!!! Good choice. Had to laugh at the TV thing...ours sort of (sadly) ended up being the focus of our living area and sometimes I just hate it. Max and his chair are too cute. Hey, a guy needs his favorite chair...glad he lets you know what his needs are! LOL

  21. Your floors turned out really pretty. I know what a time you guys had putting these down because years ago I had to do this.
    Everyone wants the real hardwood floors but living now with the real ones verses the laminate I would choose the laminate. So much easier to take care of.
    Thanks Cathy for your good advice about my situation. I am taking one day at a time and trying to figure it all out.
    Glad your feeling better

  22. Your floors look great. I understand about the technology. Our TV has been in the same place for 21 years. Different TV's but same location. I would love to change it around. My husband would flip.


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