Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class Is In Session


It's almost time for the second class session! It's tomorrow night and I haven't even brought you up to speed on the first one!   It's been a blur and flurry of thoughts and crazy emotions, but most exciting!

I have TEN lovely students.  ALL sweethearts!  It started with six who signed up but during the time I began to set up, things started to happen.  It seems my rugs caused quite a stir! (blushing here).... In fact one lady passing my room on her way to Zumba class, came in for a look and to make a long story short decided she had to take MY class and scrapped the Zumba class!  Oh my!   I hope  the Zumba teacher doesn't come looking for me tomorrow night!  Yikes.  In case you're wondering what Zumba is..... it's a dance work-out set to Latin inspired music!   From dance to rug hooking!  Hmmmmm.... I guess my rugs must be pretty exciting!  LOL!

A couple more students had signed up just hours before the class began and a friend told a friend.... So we now have ten!
Of course I was caught without enough supplies. But kindness prevailed and all were willing to wait until this week to start on the projects.  There were so many questions and having a classroom full of students who don't want to miss a thing was truly inspiring for me!  The dyed wool was a huge hit! Also the questions flew about where, how and the price of frames and cutters!  One student inquired whether there was such thing as an electrified cutter as cutting the strips a couple at a time on my Bliss cutter seemed quite the chore.  I assured her that yes, there is an electrified apparatus available.  However at least to start with she may not want to cut all her available wool into strips!  Such enthusiasm!  I hope there continues to be all the excitement and wonder and craving to learn as we get into the nitty gritty of putting hook through backing!

I don't know if it's from all the excitement this past week or what but I have had a few days of not feeling the greatest.  One big ache from head to toe! The thyroid may be out of whack or something.  Maybe it's the weather!  It's still COLD and more white s#@* predicted for tomorrow.  Depressing to say the least. So I did start a little Spring decorating in the breezeway which leads to my studio.  In my header photo you'll notice the empty space upbove the shelf.  Well, I decided it needs a little rug there so I designed a new little ditty with simple flowers and tongues on the bottom border.  I'm planning soft antique blues and browns.  Trying to tame the brights as you know is very hard for me.... Mrs. Orange Sink!

Well, I must part for now.  Have to go crack the whip after Mr. Orange Sink to get him going on the four more frames I need for tomorrow night.  I think he has them almost done!   I need a cup of hot tea to warm my bones so I can get going on drawing the rest of the patterns.  Boy, I sure hope those extra hooks come in tomorrows mail or I am going to have to carve some for class...... just kidding!

Enjoy your day and tell your loved ones how much you love them!

Cathy G 


  1. Cathy,
    Oh, I'm so thrilled for you with the turn out of your class. Hope the Zumba teacher doesn't come looking for you! he he I've seen that on TV. And my dear, your little ditty rug is oh so sweetly spring! I love the shelf on your header and what you have displayed there. Your rug will be perfect above it. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Cathy, I knew your class was going to be a hit! Once people saw how beautiful your rug designs are, they would be signing up. I'm sure everyone will have a wonderful learning experience.
    I am so happy and excited for you!!!
    Hope you start feeling better.

  3. Yay for you, Mrs. Orange Sink!! Your little flower mat is cute, too!

  4. Cathy, how exciting!! I am so jealous - I would love to take your class! Love the header pic! SUE

  5. Cathy, I'm so happy for you but I'm not surprised in the least that your rug hooking class is a big hit. I told you so. This thing is going to snowball You'll see.

    I love your pattern and it's so timely for spring. You are so creative and it's time to spread your wings. Enjoy you new found calling.
    It's great that Mr Orange Sink is helping you by making some frames. I hope that your hooks will arrive in time for your class and that you will feel better shortly.

    Hugs, Julia

  6. Cathy,
    I'm so excited for you! Now, what were you worried about?
    Zumba Shmoomba - Hook with Cathy instead LOL

  7. Cathy - I think 10 people in your class is just the right size! I looked back through your old posts, but don't think I've seen a picture of the project they'll be working on? LOVE your new header!

  8. So excited to hear how the class is going!! I'm so happy for you! Now....I LOVE the rug in your header photo soooo colorful. And.....the little flower rug for the empty space....where can I get that pattern?????

  9. Hi Cathy... I am new to blogging and have been checking out my friends Joanne and Kathy's blogs they follow ... To meet fellow rug hookers and all-around artists..... You are a very talented lady... I have a weakness for snowmen and your Mr.Chill is too cute... I remember my first class, of course it was a snowman pillow, which was hooked right through a piece of wool.. love seeing other people's work... And now I enjoy going to the hook-ins at Grant Street in Chambersburg.. I will be checking your blog again... Have a great day

  10. Cathy,
    I've been so curious about how the class went last week!! So, you're draining the zumba class! You go girl! I love the new picture on your blog heading and I think the new rug will look great there. My little class with the 10 year olds is going pretty well too. As they hook around their little designs, the excitement grows! Given the excitement you already have, I think you're home free with this group. I am so pleased for you! Is this the start of a new profitable path? Sounds like it!
    Keep us posted with their progress!

  11. Cathy, I am glad to hear your hooking class is full! I know you are an awesome teacher and your wool is just beautiful- those gals are very lucky to have you. Really, an electric wool cutter? do tell. Looking forward to seeing photos and love the new header.

  12. Cathy ~
    Woo hoo! And your were worried there would be no class. I am so happy for you. Please take lots of pics tomorrow to share with us!
    Hugs :)

  13. Great job Cathy! I had absolutely no doubt that you and your class would have wings! To heck with Zumba, we have had enough snow exercise and now, it is time to sit and hook!


  14. I am so excited for you how fun to have that energy in a class. can't wait to see all of your amazing pictures.

  15. built it and they did come ! Well done ! If I were there I would be happy to be your humble teacher's assistant ! Best regards, Carol in Az

  16. yeah, go, cathy, go!!! wonderful news - and i hope you'll get over the aches zippety quick!!

  17. 10 students - good for you - now you're viral, they will continue to multiply and you'll never be able to stop. Such fun reading your description of the class, cuz for sure, it's those questions and the momentum they create that make the classes so much fun. Hope you're feeling better soon - I think it's the end-or-winter virus. Spring can't come soon enough!

  18. Am so happy for you and your class. It sounds neat. A few weeks ago I hurt all over from head to foot. Must have traveled and made it's way from Utah to you!! Take your ibufferin!

  19. Congrats on your hooking class! Love the rug in your header, too. Hope you show us what your students hook in class!

  20. Hope you are feeling better, Cathy.


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