Wednesday, February 16, 2011


wool,rug hookingI've never been very good at waiting. Unfortunately a major share of our lives are spent waiting. If I know I'm going to be in a waiting situation I usually try to have something going to occupy my mind and hands.

So  I've been sorting, dyeing, and playing with wool in my studio. It's been interesting to see what I really have out there! I've saved so many wonderful textures and great weights of as found wools. Special pieces for that special rug someday. The above photo shows how I've organized some of them in quarter yard packages. Each package has four pieces that measure 6.5 by 17 inches. I've put at least one great texture (plaids, herringbones, etc) in the package and at least two or three pieces of solid and hand dyed. They are organized by colors that go beautifully together.  They are so beautiful to look at!   I just had to have a photo shoot with this big bowl of wool! Told you I can't stand still while waiting!

The countdown is seven days until my beginning rug hooking class is to begin (Feb 24th  6:00 P.M.). So far one student has signed up. The school has a policy requiring there be six students before the class can happen.

I'm pretty well organized with lots of great ideas and teaching aids I've come up with. Dave has so kindly built some beginner frames for me. Things are ready to go!  This will be a fun class above all else and will be a great opportunity to meet others in the community who have a love for the art and craft of rug hooking!

If you live in my area and would like to take my class, here is the link to the WITC online catalog where you can get the information about the class. It's easy to register and you can also call 800-243-

wool,rug hooking

Cathy G


  1. I don't "wait" well either. But I do want that entire bowl of wool!!!

  2. Cathy,
    Patience is a virtue I've struggled with! I love your bowl of wool! Wonderful prim colors. I hope you have more students sign up for your class.

  3. Your wools look lovely. I'm sure the students will come

  4. Ooh that wool looks wonderful and so nice and neatly put together! You are just going to wow them - I just know it from!

  5. I actually walked my laptop across my room today to show my friend the pictures of your wool. She was completely 'blown away'. I only wish that I wasn't in MA and you halfway across the country! I'd sign up in a heartbeat!! I really like how you grouped the wool! In any event, I envy the folks that will sign up! They are very lucky.
    Wishing you a full class!

  6. Wished I lived in your area. I would sign up for the class. Loved the colors of wool.

  7. I LOVE the bowl of wools!! I wish I were close as I would love to take the class!

  8. Kathy.....

    What lovely bouquet of wool...
    You have probably heard this before....but here goes... IF you BUILD it they will COME....

  9. What beautiful wool, my belief is a "hooker" can never have to much wool! Good luck with your class, I would love to attend.

  10. Cathy ~
    Your wool is BEAUTIFUL!!! I hope you get enough students to hold the class. You have put so much effort in the preparation. If not, have a class in your hooking studio.
    Hugs :)

  11. cathy, when i looked at the pictures of the beautiful woolens i thought how lucky we are to live with color and texture all around us - and possibly even to make a little bit of money with it! - good luck in filling your class - and i am with lauren, if it does not fill, do it at your place! --great use of the waiting time :-)

  12. What a gorgeous assortment of wool!! Certainly wish I were closer. I'd be signing up!! Hoping things work out for you :)

  13. Your bowl of dyed wool is yummier than a bowl of fresh fruit! What great colors!!!
    Hope enough people sign up. Could you give private lessons too?
    Sometimes it takes a while for things to catch on. When I first started hooking about 15 years ago, there were very few hookers in the area. Now there are lots!

  14. Cathy, you have all my favorite wool colors. I love how you've displayed them for visual appeal in a bowl. I too love to display my wool all rolled up in small assorted baskets. I can see all the colors at a glance.

    Wishing you a full class of enthusiastic students. You'll be great. I can't wait. JB

  15. That wool in the bowl is beautiful!! Have a great class!

  16. your wool is so beautiful I would like to dive in. I am in NH so I wish I could. All we hear here is the unrest in your state. there is some bargining issues to iron out.
    Have a wonderful class

  17. I agree with everyone above. 1. the wool is BEAUTIFUL 2. the class will happen 3. if not have some girls in for fun and they will buy your wool as fast as you can pull it out of the bowl! 4. Serve wine and they'll buy out your stash closets!!
    xo, Sheri


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