Sunday, January 9, 2011

(Hey JoAnne... "Smokin' in the Boy's Room".....!

A few days ago my ancient CD player out in the studio died.   So until I have enough money to buy my dream Bose Wave  System, hubby hooked up the XM radio for me out there.  We like our music around here.  However what I like to listen to doesn't necessarily jive with the Mr.   While he gets turned on hearing Cash, Waylon, Willie,  and the old country stuff,  I like a variety from classical to my favorite 70's rock and roll.  Remember that song   "Smokin' in the Boy's Room"?  Crank it up baby.

( Joanne has been using titles of songs for her blog posts...... bet she's too young to remember that song LOL!) .... 

We are 'enjoying'(not)  a deep freeze outside here in our neck of the woods.  As a matter of fact it's colder outside than inside the deep freezer downstairs. ( 19 below 0 this morning).  A friend stopped yesterday to pick up some frozen venison from hunting season and we left it sit outside in the garage while we all ran downtown to catch a burger at a local hamburger joint.  Two hours later the venison is still frozen solid as a rock. 

I'm still preparing for teaching my rug hooking class.  The wool crazy heart I was practicing my feather stitch on is destined( I think) to be the cover of this journal.  I've collected photos of favorite hooked rugs through the years and saved them in this binder.  The cover folds in half and becomes a little easel. I thought it would work nice for class.  I have no idea yet how I'm going to attach it.  Glue seems like the only option at this point.  I may embellish the heart with a little more stitching or applique. 

A geranium waits for spring on a sunny windowsill in my studio. 

The Raspberries are rockin' to "Please Go All The Way"!  The woodpile is dang close to going all away!

Hope you are rockin' and hookin' these winter days away as well!  

Cathy G


  1. One of these days you're going to find me sitting on your doorstep so I can dance around your studio with you, girlfriend! For covering your notebook ... maybe make a cover out of wool for it ... like the old book covers we had to fold and use to cover our books in grade school? At least I did anyway ... probably showing my age a bit with that one, huh? And for the slit at the binding to make the easel, simply do a blanket stitch up each side of a slit in your wool so that it still opened up to make an easel. Whew! I bet I'm making noooooo sense at all ... COFFEE ... more coffee!!!


  2. I LOVE the wool crazy heart!!! It's beautiful and it will make a wonderful binder cover!!

  3. Cathy, I love your heart pattern and the color combination is great on your rug binder cover. What a great idea.

    That geranium in your window is the mirror image of the geranium I have in my window, a salmon color. Keep warm in the mean while. JB

  4. Cathy ~
    19 below??? Now that is cold and I'm whining about weather in the teens here in northern Ohio.
    Oh, that geranium is lovely. A promise of spring?
    Hugs :)

  5. Love your heart! Oh and bless YOUR HEART thinking i'm too young! (i know I act it!) hahahaha Brownsville Station 1973 (I'm married to a man that can probably tell me how many cigarettes Hendrix smoked on the last day of his life - yet forget my name!)

    Oh man 19 below and here I thought our 22 degrees was too cold!

  6. I want a bose too!! QVC is always selling them, maybe one day on easy pay! My thermometer is reading 15 degrees and i THOUGHT that was cold!! Your Geranium is beautiful!!

  7. Love the heart.
    I remember Smokin in the boys room. Well, I didn't but I remember the song.
    Love that you have a Geranium blooming.

  8. I love the heart, too, Cathy! It is cold here, but nowhere near as cold as Northern Wisconsin! No Friday Night Fish Fries at Gruenke's going on in this weather! Stay warm and cozy.


  9. I can still remember that song "Smoking in the Boys Room" at school dances, and I think we did sneak a cig. or two in the girls room LOL

  10. I wrote a comment and it went who-knows-where!

    Love the geranium!
    Love the crazy pieced heart!
    Hope you get the new Bose System!

    Now let's see if this works....


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