Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dyeing the Blues

Somewhere along the line the blues in my wool stash disappeared.  Funny because I didn't think I used a lot of blues in my hooking.   Out came the dye pots today and some as found wools were set to boiling on the stove.   A straight blue dye over natural and white gave me the baby blues!  A couple of textured herringbones dyed up nicely to a robins egg blue.  I'm on a roll and I hope I can keep it up because I need lots of colors for my class.  So if you don't see me here for awhile..........  

It's 'cause the pedal's to the metal and the teacher's stirring pots!

Cathy G


  1. Ooooooh! What lovely shades of blue!!!
    Do you know yet how many students you will have?

    Thanks so much for suggesting the book on hypothyroidisn. On my way to the grocery to get my meds, I stopped at the library and checked it out. Very interesting. I think I have every symptom! Yeesh!!!

  2. Lovely colors from your dye pot. Amazing how we use our colors and then wonder were they went. Happy dyeing days.

  3. The blues are beautiful!! what kind of dyes do you use?

  4. I don't use a lot of blue either but these look great!!

  5. Great shades of blue, I love blue. Wishes I was close enough to be a student of yours.

  6. Lovely Blues Cathy!!!
    Are you going to teach how to dye in your class??
    After their less confused maybe you can teach a class in Wool Dying...

    Great Job

  7. hi, Cathy,
    Very pretty Blues>>Yep, I also would love to be one of your students, they are going to learn so many great ideas!
    enjoy your day

  8. Love the pictures Cathy! You got some yummy blues from your dye pots!

  9. Cathy ~
    Those are beautiful colors. I am lacking blues in my wool stash.
    Pug hugs :)

  10. wonderful! I wish I could dye. When I do it never come out the way I wanted.

  11. Love the blues. Now it has made me wonder and I can't believe I haven't asked yet....but what will the students project be? I'm sure you have a cute little design in mind.

  12. Hi! I love the Blues also. I stopped in to say hi...

  13. You can't go wrong with Blue, love the variety of shades.


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