Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Snowbank Greeting!

My brother in MN emailed me this photo. His neighbors took advantage of the recent snow storm to use the snowbanks for a Christmas greeting! Creative neighbors indeed! It made me smile!

squirrel proof feeder

And how about this squirrel proof feeder! Dave snapped this photo in the backyard the other day. It's not photoshopped. The squirrel was actually inside the cage! In all fairness it is a red squirrel. Much smaller than the gray squirrel the cage was designed to keep away from the bird seed. That little guy has been busy and can empty the bird seed in no time.

Hope your day is full of smiles!

Cathy G


  1. Oh Cathy...this picture of the squirrel made me laugh so hard!!!

  2. Cute pictures!!! That little squirrel is adorable!

  3. Great snow bank greeting. I'm just glad it's not "yellow". That would make him one talented neighbor!! LOL

  4. Love the squirrel. They are little rascals but Oh so cute. Keep the snow!!

  5. Squirrels can be a pest, but isn't he cute.
    Love the snow bank greeting. Just hoping we don't get enough for me to be able to do that.

  6. Cathy ~
    Oh, that Kim is just a hoot, isn't she? I love the snow bank greeting and what a resourceful squirrel.
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Hugs :)

  7. kim said exactly what I was thinking. That is one talented neighbor

  8. would you believe that it was around 60 degrees today here in Albuquerque??? - i am so ready for some winter weather! come on, what is christmas without snow, right?!!
    happy holidays to you, cathy!!

  9. Great idea to improve the look of a snow bank (if you must have them!)

    That squirrel is too dang cute! Great picture!


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