Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another One Bit The Dust!

Another year that is!  Yesterday was my birthday. The fifty-seventh to be exact.   I'm still kind of in the dark as to where all those years went!  But one thing I know for sure is at my age I've decided to live a little more dangerously! LOL  While shopping at the Goodwill store yesterday with a little birthday cash burning a hole in my pocket, I spotted these cute red leather boots.  I tried them on and man were they comfy!  So for 9.99 I decided they were going to be mine!  As a matter of fact they will go nicely with a red wool jacket I bought last year at Goodwill.  It made me wonder what kind of trouble I could get into wearing red leather boots!   

Well, I didn't have to wait long to find out.  After finishing a little shopping (with my Mom and Lisa) Mom needed to stop at the bank.  Upon backing out of the parking stall we heard this awful sounding crunching noise!  Oh   ##&P!  Yep, I had introduced my back side bumper to a utility pole!  Now I could come up with a few good excuses as to why I didn't see a three foot wide giant telephone pole, but nothing really sounds believable. So I'm chalking it up to wanting to live a little a more dangerously and buying a pair of red leather boots!  What else could it be? 

We haven't found out the cost for the repairs, but even though it really doesn't look all that bad I can tell you from past experience the dollar amount will put my checking account in the red!  Hey, at least it will match my boots and coat!

Are you all ready for the Christmas weekend?  I need to make one more trip to the grocery store and then I think I can stay home and clean the house.  
Have a safe and Merry Christmas!

Cathy G


  1. I love your red boots. I have 2 pairs of red shoes and I love them. So sorry about your car Have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Hey I love your boots and coat, they match your tail light and it didn't get hurt.

  3. Cathy, I love a bargain too, You looks just beautiful all dressed in red in your new red boots. No one will even notice that little dent as long as you're around dressed in red. Just put the music on and dance to LADY IN RED by Chris De Burgh and just forget about the little dent.

    Have a wonderful Christmas. JB

  4. Hi Cathy,
    I know dents in the vehicle aren't funny, but you had me laughing! A little Living Dangerously can go a long way! I do love those red boots!!! You look very racy in them and the red coat.
    Have a great (and not too dangerous!) Christmas!

  5. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    On such a Red Letter Occasion, I hope you and Dave went out for dinner and maybe had some delicious Red Snapper and Red Velvet Cake for dessert!

  6. Ooops, I forgot. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Cathy. Be a little devilish tonight. he, he... JB

  7. Happy Birthday Friend! The red coat and boots look awesome. But it just goes to show you what can happen when you go out in red boots!! Lol. Sorry about the bumper. Luckily no one was hurt.
    Merry Christmas to you, hubby and Mom

  8. Happy, happy birthday!
    Sorry about the bumper, but at least you hit a pole and not another vehicle!
    Merry, merry Christmas to you and all your family ~ furbabies included.
    Hugs :)

  9. Oh gosh don't you look adorable in your red coat and boots!! Oh well about the 'ding', you just didn't see it because you were so excited about living dangerously! I'm 57 too and I swear I don't know where my life went!
    Happy Holidays Cathy!!!!

  10. Happy birthday Kathy! I love the red outfit looks great on you. Have a wonderful holiday.

  11. Happy Birthday!!!! Those red boots and coat look mahvelous!!!! I hope those bumper repairs are a lot less than you anticipate...

  12. I LOVE the red leather boots Cathy....and my hubby has a wonderful saying about cars..."They are only pieces of metal that get us safely from point A to Point B. As long as YOU arrive home safe and sound, that is all that matters". Carol in Az

  13. Any number that side of 60 is still very YOUNG. Happy Birthday, and there is nothing better than a pair of red boots/shoes for celebration. Too bad about the bumper, but I think that's why they're called "bumpers", isn't it?

    Merry Christmas and may we share many great adventures in 2011.

  14. Ouch! For the car....not the boots. LOVE the boots! And the red coat coat also. Happy Birthday!

    And I LOVE LOVE LOVE those RED boots!!! I am GREEN with envy over the RED boots!!!!

  16. You and I probably should not go shopping together! We'd fight over everything.."NO that's mine!!!" (Except my shoe size is 10 so they probably wouldnt have fit me...thus avoiding a wrestling match!) :) Merry Christmas to you and your family! Sure wish you lived closer...I keep saying!!! And a happy new year tooooooo!

  17. Happy birthday Cathy! You look smashing (no pun intended) in your red coat and boots! So sorry about your vehicle. Sounds like something I would do!!

  18. How do you comete with the line "You look smashing"???? That was excellent!
    Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!
    I would have bought those boots in a heartbeat!!!!! They are just gorgeous. Love the coat too.
    Sorry about the's just a little boo-boo. No one was hurt and you are still smilin...............

  19. Love those boots. Happy belated birthday wishes!


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