Thursday, October 14, 2010

Many Thanks and Answers to your Questions!

On our recent trip to Bayfield I snapped these photos of a cat and dog scarecrow on a front porch. I thought they were adorable and must have been a lot of work to make! I have a thing for scare crows I guess!

Thank-you all from the bottom of my heart for your sweet comments on my last post! It warms my heart how so many of you understand and show so much concern for a fellow blogger! A wonderful circle of friends you are! I had some questions about the width of the strips on the little oval mat and the size of it. Lauren and Kathy(Woolfind), the strips are from 1/2 inche to 3/4 inches wide. I usually tear a piece of wool 1 inch wide and then tear that in half. It's not an exact science in fact a slight variation gives the rug a more primitive look. Some wools don't rip very easy when you are trying to tear a one inch piece in two, so those types of wools you will have to cut by hand. I forgot to measure the rug before I gave it to Sue but I think it was about 16 inches long by about 11 inches wide. If you are reading this Sue, perhaps you could comment with the measurements. We'll see how good of a guesser I am! LOL

Corinne, For the pattern I just started at the outside and kept changing strips every few inches(vary that too) and hooked around the oval. It went pretty quick with the wide strips.

Sharon(Moosecraft), about the little white pumpkin. Isn't he a quirky little guy? A couple of years ago I found him in two different sizes at a primitive shop about 15 miles from my house called Country Cabin. I went back to purchase more and she had sold out. She has promised to try and get them again for next year. I have seen them in orange on some primitive websites but haven't seen the white ones. I was inspired to design a little mat based on this white JOL for my very first post when I started blogging. Click HERE to read it. It's kind of funny any way! I was so scared to click the publish button...... Now look at me, can't shut me up!! LOL
scare crow

scare crow

scare crows


  1. Those cat and dog scarecrows are so cute !!! That person has some talent!

  2. those scarecrows are too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Alas! The hunt for the little white JOL's continues! LOL! There's something about that grin that is so dang cute! Love these scarecrows too! The cat one is on the cute sode.... but the dog is looking a bit fierce! Almost Stephen-King-like! LOL!

  4. I also loved the mat you made. Working with those large strips is a job for me - I find them hard to pull through the backing but I love the effect! The dog and cat scarecrows are just too funny! Thanks for sharing. (Moments in Time)

  5. I'm with Moosecraft, that dog's scary!!!

    Thanks for the info on how you made the mat. It sure is cute! And such a nice gift.

  6. Lets call him CUJO - that movie freaked me out

  7. Love the is so realistic, I had to look twice! What talent!

  8. Oh how wonderful...The dog looks like 'Marmaduke'...
    Loving your Header on your Blog...I too just Love the pumpkin'...

    Stay Warm

  9. Cathy,

    The primitive rug that you made for me for my birthday is 16" x 12 1/2". It looks really nice with my country antiques. I Love it!!!!!!!!

    Your Friend, Sue

  10. Cathy ~
    Thanks so much for the information on the hooked mat. I really do appreciate you taking the time to answer everyones' questions. I've never hooked with torn strips, but I think you've inspired me to be a copy cat! You were pretty close on guessing the size! Your friend Sue is very lucky to have received such a wonderful gift!
    Oh, that cat and especially the dog are just too cool.
    Pug hugs :)

  11. thanks for the information Cathy! Definitely on my to do list. That white JOL is too cute. but love the dog even though it does look scary. I had to do a second glance too. Thought maybe it was a real one all dressed up :)


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