Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Improving Your Photo Skills~More Tips!

 It's been a little "hairy" around here lately! Literally the two in the photo above will be making a trip to the groomers tomorrow! Watch the stress level go up around here! Theirs and mine! LOL NOT their favorite thing to do. Meanwhile after a trip to the dentist for me where some serious drilling took place, I was informed that I need to have a root canal. The earliest I could get an appointment for that is Sept. 2nd. Yep, right during set-up for the art show in Chippewa! Could be a little tricky. We'll see how that all works out!
So in the meantime I'm on some antibiotics and we're all trying to lay low through one of the hottest August weeks on record around here.  The weather people tell us that by weeks end we should see a little relief.  I know the majority of the country has been suffering too and some without AC!  My prayers and concerns  are that you are being checked on by friends and loved ones.
So, the answer to my tricky question about the photo in my last post!  My apologies if I sort of lost you in my line of thinking!  You did notice that the rug was not finished or truly completed.  But Pat was right when she said that the boys in the photo made it more interesting.  A photo of just the rug on the bench alone would have done the job, but why not create some interest by using a pet or grand child  or showing the rug in some unexpected place.  Pets are sometimes the hardest things to photograph as you have probably experienced.  Take a lot of photos( tip #1) and you will get one lucky shot.
Notice in the dog/rug photo from my last post how the rug is "framed" nicely by the dogs. The rug being the subject and the dogs just framing it.  In this instance it didn't matter that the dogs weren't completely in the photo. In fact it created even more interest by having Max extending out of the photo.  I didn't crop this in photo shop. It was just a lucky shot.
So I guess my second tip for improving your photos is too try and create some interest by framing your subject.  Try taking a few photos in different areas of your home.  Use different "props". People or pets make good interesting things to frame your subject. Use your imagination. And don't be afraid to GET CLOSE while staying in focus.


  1. Love that bottom shot. Smokey looks like he is smiling. Probably like Millie, they are used to posing for the camera.

  2. Hi Cathy,
    Yes the second photo of the dogs and the rugs is great! Lots of pictures is correct! Animals move so fast!!! I tried to get a picture of Deiter washing his paws yesterday and out of 12 shots, none of them showed his tongue! LOL!!!

    Yuck to the root canal! But I guess it will take away the toothache pain.
    Double yuck to the hot weather. We've had two solid months of 90+ and NO RAIN!
    Come on, Cathy! Send us some GOOD weather!!!

  3. Hey Cathy! I'm definitely going to try to read your blog more often!!! Hope to see a new post soon, and hope you check out my new blog: myreslife.tumblr.com! Talk to you soon, Adam.


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