Thursday, July 8, 2010

Organizing The Studio

It's been way too hot to work in the gardens. When forced to stay indoors in early July I get the itch to organize. My studio is a good place to start. The only problem is, what starts out to be a quest for organization usually turns into a play day with all my "stuff".  Believe it or not I have been trying to down size my collections. Although you wouldn't think it if you came for a visit........

Just for fun I decided to gather my collection of primitive milking stools all in one spot. One can never have too many of these little primitive treasures!  One is metal and rusted to perfection. A few of them have traces of the old paint. So if you have the milk cow and are milking by hand, I have the stool for all your milking needs.

Just so you don't think that all I did was play with my antiques, I did get some organizing done. A corner of the studio actually got cleaned and those wool worms are starting to find a home in some nice plastic containers. Although I'd prefer wooden boxes to store things, I'm foregoing the "primitive look" for storing the majority of my wool.

So this is as clean and organized as it gets. I have a new pattern on the drawing table and am putting some final touches on the design. The secret challenge rug is done and hanging on the wall above the bed in the studio. I'm dying to show it to you, but the reveal date is a couple of weeks away yet.

I'm glad you stopped by today for a visit. And I'm even happier that the studio was half-way cleaned and presentable! Now how often does that happen? Once in a blue moon!


  1. You have a beautiful studio! It must be a joy to work there with all the lovely antique things.
    What brand of sewing machine is that old beauty? I love old sewing machines! Wish I had room for at least a half dozen, but NOT!
    Is it HOT and DRY in WI, too??? It's hard to draw a breat in the outdoors here in PA.
    We're praying for rain and cooler weather!

  2. Thank-you Pat!
    Yes, I'm truly blessed to have my "space" to work and also store some of my collections!
    The old sewer is a Willcox and Gibbs. I've never had her running although I don't think it would take more than a new belt to get it going. It has the old manual and some attachments too. I have always been drawn to these old machines as that is what I learned to sew on, an old treadle Singer.
    It's been very hot here and humid the last couple of weeks. The humidity broke a little today. It's been raining buckets about every 3 days or so. You should see my Mom's tomato plant! It is growing like that ol' Jacks bean stalk! I'll try and send some rain and cooler temps your way!

  3. Cathy,
    I am so envious of your studio. You are so lucky to have such a large open space. Obviously it aids in creativity as your projects are all so great. Can't wait to see your challenge rug.
    And the milking stools are fabulous. We had a few in the house when I was younger but my dear Auntie doesn't appreciate "old" things so they have disappeared.
    We are in a heat wave here also - reached 100 degrees farenheit at one point today.

  4. Cathy - Love, love, love your work space! I have a nice big studio with some really cool stuff in it, but it's such a disorganized mess. I'd love to get a handle on it like you have. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  5. I finally got my "studio" organized AGAIN too. Although it's nothing like yours~mine is 11' by 11' a tiny bedroom!
    Love love love the milking stools. I think they look great all stacked together too. They say collections look much better put together instead of scattered. (Whoever "they" are!)
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. I enjoyed peeking into your studio.

  6. Wow, your House is wonderful ... I love your style and your rug ... here is all about magic!!!

    Sandy from Parma

  7. Cathy ~
    Oh, your studio is amazing! Can I come visit???
    I love all your stools and the floor is to die for gorgeous. All your antiques are wonderful. Can you tell I am drooling over my keyboard?
    Thank you so much for sharing. Can we get some more glimpses of your home?
    Pug hugs :)

  8. omg - your studio is gorgeous! what a comfy, inspiring and inviting place, makes me wanna come by, check out your stash, your work, chit chat and have a cup of tea with you!!

  9. ha - love the new header, too!!

  10. Lovely studio...all those windows would make working in there a dream...I'm a big fan of those little stools and benches too!

  11. Well Cathy.... what's not to love!? First of all, I adore your banner! And... I've got total "studio envy" because yours is just so nice and roomy, and I am basically using my entire house as mine. I do have most of my storage in spare bedroom, but that must stay a bedroom for the grandkiddoes. But, your post has given me some ideas on reorganization that just might work. Can't wait to see what you're working on these days!

  12. Your studio seems to reflect your personality (or at least the one I have come to know online). It is so sunny and bright. And you can tell that it would be a warm and wonderful place to gather to hook, chat and share.
    We are having much the same weather here in Northern Ontario - expecting rain today. And I have also been bitten by the "organization" bug. Thanks for the extra gentle shove.


  13. I am in serious love with your studio!!!!!


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