Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dragonfly and Butterflies!

My blog header this evening is a photo I took of a White-faced meadowhawk dragonfly feeding on the hanging licorice plant in our back yard. I'm quite proud of the fact it made the outdoor section in our local newspaper. Of course my hubby Dave is the editor in that department so I guess I sort of had an "in"! But clearly I must be getting a little better at photo taking otherwise he wouldn't have considered using it even if he is married to the photographer! It's interesting that I'm not using any sort of special lens or a fancy camera. All I use is my trusty little red Canon Power Shot A480. I am going to share some of my photo taking tips in a future blog so watch for that.
I may have gotten carried away with the photo's I took of Mary's rug all completed and ready to deliver to her house. I made sure I took photos of it at all angles in different spots throughout the house. Silly isn't it. If I ever want to visit it I can just walk down the street a few houses. Mary is my neighbor. Any how I made a nice little cotton label for the back of it using my computer and printer. Kind of gives it a nice professional touch and personalizes it for Mary! So tomorrow I'm off to deliver it and hopefully come home with a little jingle in my pocket!
I'm hooking on another little mat with some penny circles while waiting to start the next rug for Mary. Right now it just seems good to have something on the frame that I don't have to think that hard about. It feels good to just pull loops.
Just another little reminder that the secret challenge rugs are going to be revealed this Fri. I'm getting butterflies now!

Mary's rug corner up close

Mary's rug in blue chair/angle

Handmade label for Mary's rug

Mary's rug binding

Mary's rug in blue chair/straight

Mary's rug on primitive trunk

Mary's rug on prim trunk 2

Studio next project


  1. Great photo! Great rug! Great label!! You're three for three!! And I'll be interested in your photo-taking tips ~ I just kind of wing it and wish I knew more about my camera ~ I could read the little book that came with it, I guess!! Anyway, Miss Cathy ~ you're on a roll!

  2. Hi Cathy,
    The rug is beautiful, the photography is beautiful and yes, so is the label!
    You are just sooo artistic!!!

    Yes, please write about your photographic know-how! I didn't take time to read the book either. LOL!

  3. So beautiful! Mary will love it! I think it looks perfect on that chippy blue trunk! Really like the dragonfly pic too! Very interesting how you caught the wings...

  4. The photo is awesome. And so is Mary' rug. I love the little white lights, how they just pop out. Now, tell me how you did that label....

  5. Cathy, I love how the white in Mary's rug looks like candles lite. Your label is wonderful also. Did you do that by hand?. Its Beautiful.

  6. Love the Blog Header!! what a camera shot that is

    Great Rug and the Label I'm also waiting to hear how that is done.

  7. Great photo of the dragonfly! I love how the mat turned out. I especially love the label...what font is that? Is it hard to do that? I've never printed on fabric. I love that it looks so antique and elegant!


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