Friday, July 16, 2010

All Hooked With our Heads in the Clouds!

The hooking is done on my Sassy Sunflower rug!  Thank-you all from the bottom of my heart for your sweet compliments on this little mat!  I'm always thrilled when I get a nod of approval for a design that just sort of popped into my head!  I have been wanting to do a sunflower rug for quite some time. I have also been working on a fall leaf design.  So I guess that is where the leaves came from in this design, as I've had leaf designs floating around in my brain lately! 

I just had to share these photos I took night before last  of a spectacular cloud display in the sky right after a thunderstorm rolled through.  Dave was talking on the phone in a long conversation that couldn't wait.  I called him out onto the deck to see these clouds that were changing and becoming more spectacular by the minute.  He was yakking and I was snapping photos as fast as I could.  Here are a few of the more than 50 shots I took before they all drifted away and darkness settled in upon us!







Yes, you could say we both had our heads in the clouds that evening. It's a good thing Dave doesn't know how to text or he may have missed the whole thing!  

Thanks again for the sweet sweet words on my new little mat!  It means the world to me!


  1. LOVE that sunflower mat! The colors and design are so happy! :-) The cloud pics are kewl too... the second one either looks like a man in the moon or orson wells.... ? Nature has all the beauty!

  2. Yo, Cathy! Your Sassy Sunflower is so pretty! Beautiful cheerful colors and it looks like the spiral and the leaves are in motion! Great design!!!

    The clouds are spectacular! Do you have to use a special lens on the camera to get such great pictures?
    I'm still chuckling over the pics of Dave on the phone!!!

  3. Love how your mat turned the colors and especially love the composition of it....YAY!

  4. Your mats are lovely. The cloud pics are terrific. I could look at them all day.

  5. The cloud pics are great. Looks like Dave isn't the only talented photographer in the house. Your mat is awesome - definately my fav.

  6. Cathy: I am in love with your sunflower mat!! Also your cloud photos. I am a huge cloud's one of the things I love about living in New Mexico, the clouds in the summer storms are spectacular. Thanks for sharing those...Martie

  7. LOVE IT!!! The mat, not the clouds. Although the clouds are pretty awesome too. We have been getting some pretty spectacular storms this summer--lots of rumbling and flashes of light.
    Can't wait to see more--designs, not storms. ;-)

  8. Cathy ~
    I do love the sunflower mat!!!
    Your cloud pix are phenomenal! You captured the true beauty of nature. Thank you so much for sharing them.
    Pug hugs :)

  9. Oh Cathy... that mat is just my most favorite thing! Your sense of color is so brilliant and exciting! Also, those sky pictures are the best. Love the pink in the clouds.


  10. Wow, your mat turned out amazing.
    Great cloud pictures also, they change so fast.

  11. The colors in those clouds are so rich. I love clouds. All have such a unique lifespan and agenda. Some are ice, some are water, and some are just wisps of angel hair floating on the summers breeze.
    I told you on the Welcome Mat, but I'll say it again, the sunflower mat is just wonderful with the colors and design.
    Great work. I"m glad I found your blog and now have it in my favorites list.

  12. Cathy
    Your not going to believe this but for over two weeks now I have been wanting to visit your site and just never got to do it. I had seen some comments you had left on other sites and was thinking she is someone I need to get to know and then right out of the clouds you are on my site this morning. Talk about blessings.
    Love your sunflower mat. It is really really beautiful and I can not even begin to imagine making something so pretty.
    I have to admit I am in awe of your work and am looking forward to getting to know you and being a follower.
    Thanks for also showing those pictures of the clouds. Unbelieveble how these pictures turned out.

  13. Love your sunflower mat - did you dye the wool or purchase it some where? The colors are beautiful.

  14. the sunflower rug is gorgeous, beautiful, - so cheerful..!!! we must be somehow related souls -- i ALWAYS adore your colors!! (started right away with your blog name ORANGE sink - ha, and the sense of humor it shows!)
    i'm home and i'll have to do some hooking tomorrow!!


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