Friday, June 25, 2010

How Not To Kill The Chipmunks

Birch Tree Bird House
Lately I've been bonding with our huge and gnarly old birch tree in the back yard. When things in life go out of whack sometimes it's best to grab yourself a tree and experience a little enlightenment.

Birch Tree Bird House 2
I sat intently and listened to the sermon from this peeling and weathered old character in white. "We have the now and that's all there is" he whispered. "Those feelings of hurt and despair are only that. Feelings. You don't have to let them take you to an early grave or let them disrupt your present day. It's your choice".

Birch Tree Bird House close
I felt much better when the last hymn was sung and the big birchy fella dropped his branches to gather the last drop of anxiety and anger from my soul.

Birch Tree Bird House Double
I'm lucky to have such a wise old Birch in my back yard. He's a healer and a giver. A protecter of those less powerful than he. A fine listener that one. It's with utmost respect and thanks that I leave the greatness of the chapel under his leaves today.

There's a couple of furry Chipmunk characters that have been raising cane in the galvanized tub in the lower garden. I have been admiring the beauty of the flowers and how lush and full the tub was looking after these rains and warm days we've had. Yesterday morning I discovered the two striped half-pints had dug to the bottom of the tub and left my beautiful flowers broken and dangling from their tiny stems. They were not entirely disrespectful however. About half of the flowers survived the Chipmunk party in the tub.

So here is my Chipmunk remedy.

Chipmunk remedy
I'm happy to report that no parties were held last evening. It may be that they are waiting for the 4th of July to attack again. Or maybe they got the message!

Coral Bells/Sweet Woodruff/snow mt
Coral bells, Sweet Woodruff, and Snow on the Mountain

Garden Border late June 2010

primitive bird house

primitive garden decor

willow chairs,garden decor
Peaceful and beautiful in the backyard chapel.

primitive garden decor

I am hooking steadily on my "Secret Forest" challenge rug. Here is a little sneak peek again!


  1. Great flowers, I love the willow chairs. A wonderful place to set and reflect on what is important in life.

    Those little chipmunk stinkers are so cute but so much party animals. Hope they have found another place to party.

    Beautiful post.

  2. Cathy,
    I glad you have a wise old birch tree in your life to get you through the bad days. Every day is a ew opportunity for something special. Hope every day forward brings you something special.
    Hugs, Kim

  3. Cathy,
    He's a very wise old tree, but you have the insight to listen and understand. The strength to survive the hard times is in YOU!

    You are a kind and loving person. You have sensitivity. That means you feel more hurt, but also more joy. Take the joy!

  4. Always nice to meet another "tree-talker." Thank you so much for sharing your conversation. I hope the tree also offers some guidance to the chipmunks! :)

  5. Cathy how lucky you are to have such a beautiful chapel to meditate in. I know that all of your troubles must vanish in such a lovely place. You have the strength to meet all of the stumbline blocks in your way - keep the faith (Moments in Time)

  6. Cathy ~
    Your yard is so lovely and peaceful! Beneath your tree is a beautitul place to let your troubles melt away. I espcially love the litle vignette with the birdbath. Pug hugs :)

  7. What a lovely garden, Cathy. I want to come sit by your birch tree, too.


  8. What an incredible garden you have! Thanks for sharing pictures of it. I live in a townhouse with no more real gardens like I used to have. I don't mind not having the work, but I miss the peace.


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