Monday, May 3, 2010

A Little Break From the Weeds Today.

weeding the garden

weeding the garden

weeding the garden

weeding the garden

I took a break today from all the "fun" in the back yard. Smokey and Max always ride along on Mon. Weds. and Fridays when we take my Mom to Cardio Rehab. Our mornings on those days go something like this: Wake up, take my med., give Smokey his insulin shot, let dogs outside for a morning romp, get dressed, load everybody up in car, go get Mom and drop her off at her Cardio. Rehab., come home and feed the dogs their home cooked chicken and rice and doggy food, check email, read a few blogs, load everybody up again, go get Mom and drop her back home. Today she had an appoint, for some Labs at the clinic, and needed some items at the store so I went back home and left in 45 minutes again. ( I drank some tea and had a bowl of cereal for lunch). By the time I arrived back home it was time to start supper ( a turkey breast in the oven and mashed potatoes and gravy and veggies). Finished up some final touches on the items for the Dog Dance Art Show this weekend. Not that bad of a day but I feel like I really accomplished nothing. It's 12:00 A.M. as I write this and I'm sure it's one of my least interesting posts. That's me and Smokey (Momma's boy, as Dave calls him) in my blog header today. We are snuggled on the couch at the end of a long hard day (for us). Smokey gets another insulin shot before it's time for bed. Max gets a little tummy rub. It just doesn't get any better than this!


  1. Aaaaaah, Cathy! What a great picture of you and your boy! Bless the both of you!

    Your flower gardens are looking good. Oh my, what a load of work! And trying to get it all done between the rehab trips.

    Hope your art show goes well this weekend. Maybe you'll meet some potential new hookers. And please, take lots of pictures!!!

    Hugs to you and the doggies!!!

  2. Love your gardening the little shed out looks very peaceful. Great shot of the garden gloves, spade and hanging basket...that kind of says it all! By the way, yay for you for not having the "plastic" hanging basket...never could understand why people kept them in those ugly plastic pots :)

  3. Love the new header pic! Your gardens look like they are off to a good start too. I'm always jealous of gardeners, but it is a task I don't enjoy.

  4. love the snuggle pic!! so cute!
    dang --- you do have a lot of weeds out there, enjoy the breaks in between!!
    ps. and thanks for your kind comment!! :-)

  5. Hi Cathy

    Love the new picture and it speaks volumes about the love you have for your babies. I hate going to town sometimes as the whole day is gone before you know it.

    I started weeding too but having a lot of rain so hopefully, will get back to later this week.

    bye for now

  6. Your need header is so sweet of you with your pup.....also I know what it's like (as do all of us) at the beginning of gardening season. I think I'm done with planting, but time to paint a few pieces of outdoor furniture (would rather work in the dirt...).

  7. have been busy! That wheelbarrow full says it all! Love the photos of the pups...and the header, too. Best wishes at your art show. Love the geometric sunflower coasters...wonderful colors! Will be looking forward to hearing how your weekend went!


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