Monday, February 8, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday!

I woke up this morning with a sinus headache. Despite feeling like crap I had to take Mom to her Cardio Rehab. class. Then to pick up her pills at Shopko and then the grocery store. I know I shouldn't complain and I'm glad to take Mom shopping, but Lord have mercy, shopping in slow mo just isn't my thing. My usual style of shopping is grab a cart, grab the goods, race to the shortest line in the check out and hope that the check out lady is the fast one. Yes, I know the fast ones and can spot a slow checker from two isles away. Taking Mom grocery shopping requires a ton of patience now that she walks with a cane, and has trouble seeing and hearing. It tries your patience on a good day. Even more with a nagging headache. I'm getting better at it though.
A quick stop at the Library to pick up the book I ordered(Deepak Chopra's Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul) Then home to laundry, dishes and reinventing something for dinner. I stuck a turkey breast in the oven.
Finally, I was able to get out to the studio. I started a new rug a couple of days ago. It's a design I've had floating around in my brain for awhile. I've been wanting to hook a mat with birch trees. I love birch trees. I didn't have a clue how I was going to hook a birch tree. So this is my first attempt at it. My choice of colors..... a little tropical perhaps. Why not? Birch trees in the tropics? Does it work for you? BTW, have you all got your driveways shoveled from the big storms this past weekend? For once we were spared, with only a few flurries. Dave got to watch the super bowl in peace and quiet( sort of).


  1. Hi Cathy,
    Haven't heard from you in a while and was starting to wonder what you were up to. WOW! You've been designing!!! Love the birch trees! Very cheerful, happy, fun!
    Hope your headache is better.

  2. I love that rug, I really want to learn how to make those circles.


  3. OMG I'm giggling! Sometimes I get up real early on Saturday, quietly sneak downstairs and go to the grocery store while Mom and Auntie are sleeping. Or I wait until company arrives so they have to stay home and entertain and then I go get the groceries. If I have to take them with me, I'm about to have a nervous breakdown by the time we get to the cereal aisle!
    Love the funky birch trees BTW.

  4. I love the new rug design. The birch trees look wonderful, and I love the quilling. I so want to try that.
    I completely understand your frustrations. My dear father tells me the same stories every evening that I am down there. Thank heavens he is back to playing a little bridge. I don't have to hear them so often. Just think some day I will probably do the very same thing.
    Keep smiling.

  5. Can't wait to this finished. I am a lover of bright colours


  6. Cathy...I LOVE THE COLORS!!!!!!
    what a darling piece.
    You are so gifted with this rug hooking and choosing colors, amazing!
    This piece is sheer happiness,
    can't wait to see it finished.
    Love how our men have the same name...and us too...only your a C and I'm a K. Gotta love that!
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  7. For not knowing how to hook a birch tree, I'd say you nailed it on your first attempt! LOVE the new rug!

  8. Gosh I have to thank all of you great ladies for your comments today! One likes to get a little feedback when starting a new rug. It's a real confidence booster! Corrinne, take two or three strips of your wool and lay them together. Then just start coiling them in a circle like we used to do with play doh when we were kids, it's fun!! Cathy G ( it's the first time I've tried these in a rug too, lot's of firsts in this rug LOL! )

  9. Cathy, the rug is gorgeous. I used to enjoy shopping, now it is only another chore.

    Give wool yarn a try again but take it slowly. I am not really into the dying or the cutting up of wool into strips, so I find the yarn very convenient.

    The trees look great. I remember seeing one time, someone had wool yarn for sale that was called birch tree as the colour was so similar to that of a birch tree.

  10. The rug looks great! I've also have had rugs floating around in my head using brighter colors. I usually go the more muted route. I think it is Cindi Gay who dyes a wool just to be used as birch trees. We got about 5 inches of snow here in Michigan-enough for a snow day, so I have the luxury of sitting here in my PJs at 10:30 watching the cardinals at the feeder outside our front window.

  11. Love the Birch trees! Don't knock the shopping trips - you may be there some day - at least you should hope to live that long! Love your blog

  12. OMG! Totally loving your new rug! I'd say not "tropical" colors....I'd call them "happy, smiling" colors!


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