Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Won A Lisa Leonard Designer Necklace!

Something amazing happened yesterday! After my usual morning routine of feeding dogs, Smokey's insulin shot and making sure things were set to go for the day, I sat down at the computer with my morning cup of tea. I usually have a couple dozen emails to open and delete. One email caught my attention. "Good News!" it said in the subject line. Yay, a little good news would be nice this cold and sunless Tuesday morning I thought to myself. The email was from Colleen Allison who has a blog called Freshvintage.
She also has another blog called FreshBlogTips. I clicked open the email. It read: "Guess What! You Won!" Holy Moly! How could it be? Me? Win? Yep! Right there in black and white! Click on her blog FreshBlogTips to read about the giveaway that I won.

Both of these talented ladies are making gigantic strides in the blogging and business world! Proving themselves caring, sharing individuals who are helping and empowering women to become successful at  blogging and promoting their businesses online.

Be sure and check out Lisa Leonard's blog and her online shop with her fantastic jewelry and hand made creations. It looks like she could use a little help on your prayer chains and healing energy thoughts right now too. Her little son David is undergoing some difficulties.

I'll be anxiously awaiting for my Lisa Leonard designer piece to arrive in the mail. It is perhaps the first piece of designer jewelry by a contemporary artist that I've owned. I intend to wear it close to my heart as a reminder of the opportunities yet to come. Had I not been involved in the blogging world and come across these ladies blogs, I wouldn't have won this necklace. In fact Colleen's FreshBlogTips blog was the first one I read that gave me the courage to start my own blog. Her candid approach and easily understood instruction gave me the boost I needed as a new blogger with no clue what to do.

Thank-you both Lisa and Colleen for your generosity and your leadership. With your help and others like you, women like myself can take blogging to wherever it is we want to go. If you haven't already taken the plunge into blogging and have been thinking about it, come on in! A wonderful world awaits you!


  1. Oh how wonderful!!! Congratulations!!! I would be jumping up and down with excitement (if I weren't too old and fat to jump!). But you get the picture, I'm so happy for you! The necklace is beautiful!

    Happy HUGS for you!!!

  2. Congratulations on your win.
    How fun to win something so beautiful.

  3. How exciting, I will checkout her blog.


  4. Very Cool and I too, will check out the blog.

  5. What a wonderful prize! You are the lucky one,

  6. Congratulations Cathy. You are a lucky one! Isn't this your 2nd giveaway win? Now go out an buy a lottery ticket....quick!


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