Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 14th~International Diabetes Day

I think I mentioned before that my beloved dog Smokey has diabetes. He gets insulin shots twice daily. This
video is probably geared for humans but I think it is interesting. I didn't know there was an international symbol for diabetes.
Lisa, when you see's dedicated to you.
Please click on the link below to watch the video 


  1. My dear little cat, Sophie is also diabetic and takes insulin twice a day. I also have several close friends who are diabetic.

    Unlike most other widespread health problems, diabetes seems to get very little media attention. I have never seen the blue circle symbol.

    Thank you for passing on the awareness!

  2. Hello from Canada! Hugs to you and your pup and friends. Sending love and appreciation to you for featuring this day. I've added you to my blog tour! LPxo


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