Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Can Hardly Stand It!~ I'm Hooking Away Again!

I'm so excited! I finally started a new hooking project! Something I've had stashed away for nearly two years now. Any guesses as to what it may be? I'll elaborate tomorrow.
There I go changing the look of my blog again.....Why you ask?   I guess because it's just too fun!  So please bear with me until I find something I think will do......for now.


  1. Hmmm, I'm stumped. Beautiful colors. Is it a cell phone pouch, a little bag to hold your rug hooks and scissors?? I have no idea.

  2. From looking at the pattern pieces, I'm guessing a pair of mittens! Scrumptious colors! Can't wait to find out if I'm right!

  3. I was going to say mittens like Gayle mentioned but then I saw that beautiful sunflower purse in your flickr pics. Could it be a purse? So glad you are hooking again...your rugs are beautiful. I keep meaning to ask you where did you find that sweet white pumpkin shown next to your white jol rug?


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