Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Not Wool Being Cut Around Here........

There's a cool snap to the air that we've been feeling here in Northern Wisconsin all summer. A summer that never really got started. We've had very few days of 90 degree weather, I think maybe two. The nights cool down so much that we're closing all the windows and keeping the lightweight quilts on the beds. It makes you stop and stare at the wood pile in the back yard. Ya, the one that has only a few chunks of wood left from last winter. We burn wood. As do three of our next door neighbors. So, keeping up with the Jones' is looking to see how much wood they have on their woodpile!

Hubby got a good start on ours last weekend. He is kind of a connoisseur of wood. I like to call him the "Wood Wizard". Each year he takes a chunk of each kind of wood he harvests and weighs and measures it. It is then placed on the woodpile to be seasoned along with the rest. Every so often it is weighed and measured again to see how much moisture has gone out. Careful records of all of this are kept.

I have a very small part in all of this. He prefers to keep old women and dogs out of his way. However, I do get to get up in the wee hours of a cold December and January morning to throw some of this carefully seasoned, cut and piled, wonderful firewood into the furnace. Enjoy the photos I took this last weekend!

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