Monday, August 17, 2009

10 Minute Hooking Challenge Progress~A Secret little mat I just started is a birthday gift for a dear friend. She doesn't know yet that I've started a blog! I've been meaning to hook her a little something for quite some time. A few birthdays ago as a matter of fact. She has the most wonderful little log house built right next to her house on the farm. They dismantled the log cabin log by log on property a few hundred miles away and put it back together log by log on their farm here. I wish I could show it to you. Hence the little log house in the design. Maybe if we're all good and wish her Happy Birthday in the comments to this post she'll let me take pictures of the cabin to show you.

The little mat I'm working on I drew for her. She is crazy for primitives and antiques. I think the colors I chose will fit in nicely with all her painted firkins and pantry boxes. She has hundreds. So this 10 minute challenge got me going on this and actually I almost have it done! Just need to fix the letter F up a little and fill in that corner and press and bind. It is a small mat 6 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches. I love doing these small projects. It seems like that's all I can concentrate on these days with caregiving (Mom is living with me for now waiting to have heart surgery and a difficult cataract removal surgery after that). So in between Dr. appointments etc. and taking care of my own family it has become a challenge to even find 10 minutes. I started this blog too which has actually helped me to focus on something else besides all the problems and sickness.

So let me know what you think of this little mat. Do you think she'll like it?Happy Birthday Sue!


  1. I love this little mat. Your friend will be VERY pleased, I'm sure.
    I started my blog for the same reason as you did....I was looking for a bit of an escape from the caregiver thing. And it has been a great experience. I get to express my thoughts (and maybe frustrations) to cyberspace and learn about some great "hookers" while I'm at it!
    If you are like me, I worry about over-burdening my close friends when I'm having a bad day. Now I blog instead.

  2. I don't think she'll like it - I think she'll LOVE it! I know I would! These are the best kind of gifts - made from the heart. And another thing I love about hand made gifts it that I find myself thinking of the receiver the entire time I'm working on it - how 'bout you?
    Happy Birthday Sue! Hope you'll share house pictures with us!

  3. Absolutely! You are always thinking of them the whole time you're hooking. Each is sooooo satisfying!! Thanks Gayle!

  4. Ohhh-this is so very sweet. I know your friend will love it and treasure it forever.

  5. Hi there

    What a lovely gift! I am also a 10 minute blogger and stumbled on your site. I also have a small dog and two cockatiels..Henry and Lily who are about 15 years old. I would be devastated if they escaped as in Canada, they wouldn't have a chance especially in winter.

    Enjoyed your blog site and will be following it.

    Corner Brook, Newfoundland

  6. Precious, re comments... I seldom get any and that's ok by me, comments are not indications you are doing a good job ! BTW you are doing a great job !

  7. Hi there, As a log home dweller, I am sure she will really love this! I know that I surely would. Since you are the umpteenth person who has taken up the challenge, I will go there now and see for myself. Congrats on your blog. You will love seeing who comes and leaves comments.

  8. OH I know your friend will love this. I know I'd be very touched by such a sweet rug.


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